

Formation and Evolution of Soil Salinization in the Hetao Irrigation District of the Yellow River and Its Impact on Oasis Agro-ecological Security with Suggestions


黄河河套灌区位于我国荒漠化地区中最大且最古老的绿洲,四周被沙漠环绕.该区域是黄河上中游重要的粮食及特色农产品生产供应基地,鄂尔多斯市、榆林市、宁东镇三地共同构成我国重要的能源资源富集区.同时,河套灌区在维护黄河健康安澜、保障京津冀生态安全以及支撑宁夏、内蒙古、陕西榆林等地区经济发展方面,扮演着至关重要的生态屏障角色.目前,该灌区面临的主要挑战为黄河上游来水量持续减少,并且区域外调水任务繁重,导致人均水资源量仅为全国平均水平的1/8,不足300 m3.这一严重的水资源短缺问题加剧了荒漠化、土地沙化以及土壤盐渍化,严重影响到农业生产力水平的提升和生态环境安全.针对上述问题,建议尽快推进黄河大柳树水利枢纽和西线调水工程建设,以调节和增加黄河上游水量,确保绿洲农业生产、能源开发及生态安全的可持续性.在西线调水工程实现前,应考虑减少对外调水,增加甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古和陕西的治沙治碱用水量,以保障黄河流域的生态保护和高质量发展.此外,还要加强科学的水资源管理,提高水资源生产效率;改进排水系统,科学调控灌区地下水位,促进土壤脱盐,防止土壤盐渍化;通过"用、改、养"结合水、旱作物与牧草轮作巩固和提高盐碱地改良利用效果,推动农牧业紧密结合,从而提升区域农业综合效益.

The Hetao Irrigation District is located within the largest and oldest oasis in China's desertified region,surrounded by deserts and the Mu-Us-Sandy-Land.This region serves as a crucial production and supply base for grains and specialty agricultural products in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River,and,along with areas such as Ordos,Yulin,and Ningdong,forms a significant cluster of energy resources in China.Moreover,the Hetao Irrigation District plays an indispensable role in preserving the health of the Yellow River,ensuring ecological security for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,and supporting the economic development of Ningxia,Inner Mongolia,and Yulin,acting as a vital ecological barrier.Currently,the main challenge faced by this district is the continual decrease in water inflow from the upper reaches of the Yellow River,compounded by the heavy burden of water diversion to external regions.This has led to per capita water resources being only one-eighth of the national average,less than 300 cubic meters,severely exacerbating desertification,land degradation,and soil salinization,and posing significant threats to agricultural productivity and ecological stability.In response to these challenges,it is recommended to expedite the construction of the Daliushu Hydraulic Hub and dual-line water diversion project to regulate and increase water flow from the upper Yellow River,ensuring sustainable agricultural production,energy development,and ecological security in the oasis.Before the realization of the western line water diversion project,it is advisable to reduce external water diversion and increase the water allocated for desertification and alkali treatment in Gansu,Ningxia,Inner Mongolia,and Shaanxi to safeguard the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin.Additionally,there is a need to strengthen scientific water resource management,enhance water productivity,improve drainage systems,and scientifically control groundwater levels in the irrigation area to promote soil desalination and prevent soil salinization.Establishing an integrated system of"use,modification,and cultivation"for dryland and forage crop rotation will consolidate and enhance the utilization of saline-alkaline lands,fostering a close integration of agriculture and animal husbandry,thereby enhancing the overall economic benefits of the region.


宁夏老科学技术工作者协会,宁夏 银川 750021



Hetao oasis of the Yellow Riversoil salinizationoasis agricultural ecological securitycomprehensive management

《农业科学研究》 2024 (004)

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