

Comparative evaluation of observable specific bias performance of BDS-3 new frequency


绝对信号偏差(observable-specific signal bias,OSB)作为一种新的码偏差类型,对提高北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)的定位精度具有重要意义.本文基于多模GNSS实验(Multi-GNSS Experiment,MGEX)测站北斗三号(BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System,BDS-3)新频点组合B1C/B2a,对中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Sciences,CAS)、武汉大学(Wuhan University,WHU)发布的OSB产品的稳定性和定位性能进行分析.研究发现,CAS的OSB产品稳定性普遍优于WHU产品,并会对定位性能产生影响.使用CAS产品的精密单点定位(precise point positioning,PPP)实验,其伪距、载波残差均优于WHU产品,并且其定位精度也略优于WHU产品.并且使用OSB产品可以提升PPP收敛时间,能够更快速得到较高的定位精度,而且分析了OSB产品波动对定位性能的影响,发现CAS产品波动期间,其伪距、载波残差和定位性能均有下降.

Observable-specific signal bias(OSB),a new type of code bias,is important for improving the positioning accuracy of BeiDou navigation satellite system(BDS).This paper compares the performance of OSB products released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and Wuhan University(WHU)based on the new BDS-3 frequency combination B1C/B2a at the MGEX station.It is found that the stability of the OSB products of CAS is generally better than that of WHU products and has an impact on the localization performance.The PPP experiments using CAS products have better pseudorange and carrier residuals than WHU products,and their localization accuracies are also slightly better than WHU products.Moreover,the use of OSB products can improve the PPP convergence time and get higher positioning accuracy more quickly.And the effect of OSB product fluctuation on the positioning performance is analyzed,and it is found that during the fluctuation of CAS product,its pseudo-distance,carrier residual,and positioning performance all decrease.


山东大学空间科学与技术学院,山东威海 264209山东大学空间科学与技术学院,山东威海 264209山东大学空间科学与技术学院,山东威海 264209山东大学空间科学与技术学院,山东威海 264209中国科学院齐鲁空天信息研究院,济南 250100山东大学空间科学与技术学院,山东威海 264209山东大学空间科学与技术学院,山东威海 264209



BDS-3pseudo-range positioningprecision point positioningOSBperformance evaluation

《全球定位系统》 2024 (6)


