Exploring Marine Cloud Brightening with a Reduced Complexity ModelOACSTPCD
Exploring Marine Cloud Brightening with a Reduced Complexity Model
Muhammad Mueed KHAN;Christopher RUNYAN;Shahzad BASHIR;Abdul Basit AMJAD
Department of Mechanical Engineering,Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh,PA 15213,USADepartment of Mechanical Engineering,Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh,PA 15213,USADepartment of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering,University of Waterloo,ONN2L 3G1,CanadaLow Carbon Hub,SSE Thermal,Leeds LS15 8GB,United Kingdom
radiation transfer modelclimate change mitigationaerosol-cloud interactionsgeo-engineeringmarine cloud brighteningTwomey effect
radiation transfer modelclimate change mitigationaerosol-cloud interactionsgeo-engineeringmarine cloud brighteningTwomey effect
《气象学报(英文版)》 2024 (6)
Supported by the Carnegie Mellon University.