The Research Landscape and Trends of Orthodontic Education:A Bibliometric Analysis
口腔正畸学教育在新技术的推动下正经历着显著变革,新冠疫情进一步加速了这一进程,对教育体系产生了深刻影响.自2020年起,该领域的文献发表量急剧上升.运用文献计量学方法,构建口腔正畸教育研究的知识图谱,分析研究现状,并结合关键词探讨发展趋势和前沿主题.研究发现,美国和英国在该领域研究占据领先地位,并在文献发表和引用频次上均位居前列.该领域发文量最多的作者为William R.Proffit 教授,机构为北卡罗来纳大学,期刊为《American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics》.当前正畸教育研究的主要趋势涵盖以学生为中心的教学理念的普及、电子学习的广泛应用、先进技术融入对教学互动性和有效性的提升,以及教育评估方法的持续发展.展望未来,需要深化国际合作,并且需要关注技术融入及其带来的数据安全、隐私保护和技术接受度等挑战.
Orthodontic education is experiencing substantial transformations due to the influence of new technologies.These chan-ges have been further expedited by the COVID-19 pandemic,which has had a profound effect on the educational system.Since 2020,the volume of literature in this field has increased dramatically.This study employs bibliometric methods to construct a knowledge map of orthodontic education research,analyzing the current state of research and exploring trends and frontier topics through keyword analy-sis.The study reveals that the United States and the United Kingdom are leading in this field,occupying top positions in both publica-tion and citation frequency.The most prolific authors,institutions,and journals in this field are Professor William R.Proffit,the Uni-versity of North Carolina,and the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics,respectively.Major trends in ortho-dontic education research include the widespread adoption of student-centered teaching philosophies,the extensive use of E-learning,the integration of advanced technologies to enhance teaching interaction and effectiveness,and the development of educational assess-ment methods.In order to address future challenges effectively,it is imperative to foster enhanced international collaboration.Further-more,as technologies progress,it is crucial to address challenges such as data security,privacy protection,and the acceptance of tech-nology.
四川大学华西口腔医(学)院,四川成都 610041上海徐汇区牙病防治所正畸科,上海 200001香港理工大学人文学院,香港 000000四川大学华西口腔医(学)院,四川成都 610041四川大学华西口腔医(学)院,四川成都 610041四川大学华西口腔医(学)院,四川成都 610041
orthodonticsdental educationbibliometrics
《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2025 (2)