Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Digital Resources Construction in Preschool Education under the Background of"Digital China"
Digital resources of preschool education in China are abundant,but there are regional differences.The integration effi-ciency of national and provincial preschool education resources cannot meet the demands of digital resources,where their quality still cannot been guaranteed.Through researching preschool digital resources platforms,visiting the staff who manage digital resourses,managers and teachers in kindergartens,we found that there is a lack of preschool education digital resources constructed by education departments of provinces and the nation of China.At the same time,the resourses are abundant constructed by enterprises,which lack standards and supervision mechanism.The preschool resourses in different gindergartens and provinces are uneven.Based on above in-vestigation,the paper puts forward the strategy mode for retrieval,visualization and aggregation digital resourses,as well as evaluation strategies.It is hoped to provide reference for digital resource construction of education departments in the province level and kindergar-tens.
四川师范大学巴蜀研究院,四川成都 610066||四川师范大学影视与传媒学院,四川成都 610066四川师范大学影视与传媒学院,四川成都 610066四川师范大学影视与传媒学院,四川成都 610066
preschool educationdigital resource constructionteacher digital literacyresource aggregation
《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2025 (2)