

Experimental study on variation of pulsating pressure between bottom of breakwater and base bed



Under the long-term load of waves,the bottom beds of port engineering buildings,such as breakwaters and revetments,are prone to scouring,which adversely affects the stability of the buildings.The pulsating pressure between the bottom of the structure and the base bed is one of the main causes of base bed scouring.Therefore,it is necessary to conduct research on the variation rule of pulsating pressure between the bottom of port engineering buildings and the base beds.This paper took a certain upright breakwater project as a prototype and conducted physical model experimental research on the interaction between waves,breakwaters,and the base beds,exploring the distribution rule of pulsating pressure at the bottom of the breakwater under typical working conditions.Research findings indicate that the fluctuating pressure is generally less than 0.4 times that induced by the wave height.The overall trend of pulsating pressure characteristic values exhibits a pattern of decrease-increase-decrease-increase with the extension of the relative position of the pulsating pressure measurement points.Furthermore,the distribution of pulsating pressure characteristic values is related to environmental parameters(incident period,water depth,incident wave height).When water depth and incident wave height are constant,the along-course distribution of pulsating pressure characteristic values between the bottom of the breakwater and the base bed is increased with the increase of the incident wave period.When the incident wave period and incident wave height are constant,the along-course distribution of pulsating pressure characteristic values between the bottom of the breakwater and the base bed is decreased with the increase of water depth.When the incident wave period and water depth are constant,the along-course distribution of pulsating pressure characteristic values between the bottom of the breakwater and the base bed is increased with the increase of the incident wave height.


中国石化青岛液化天然气有限责任公司,青岛 266400中国石化青岛液化天然气有限责任公司,青岛 266400中国石化青岛液化天然气有限责任公司,青岛 266400中国海洋大学工程学院,青岛 266400中国海洋大学工程学院,青岛 266400滨州职业学院海洋学院,滨州 256600中国海洋大学工程学院,青岛 266400山东省烟台市芝罘区住房和城乡建设局,烟台 264001



breakwaterpulsating pressurephysical model testpore water pressureerosion

《水道港口》 2024 (6)


