Changes of Physical and Chemical Properties and Color of Different Varieties of Cigar Leaves during Air-Curing
为了解晾制期间不同品种雪茄烟叶颜色变化的差异,本试验以德雪 1 号(D1)、德雪 3 号(D3)、德雪 5 号(D5)、川雪 3 号(C3)为对象,研究晾制过程中这 4 个品种雪茄烟叶含水率、相关酶活性、质体色素含量、多酚类物质含量的变化特点及其对烟叶颜色和品质的影响.结果表明,德雪 3 号烟叶酶活性较高,多酚类物质和质体色素降解充分,烟叶晾制后的颜色好且香气成分充足,综合品质较好;其次是德雪 1 号和川雪 3号,其中德雪 1 号可作为茄衣使用;最差的是德雪 5 号.
In order to understand the differences in leaf color change of different varieties of cigar tobac-co during air-curing,this experiment was conducted taking Dexue 1(D1),Dexue 3(D3),Dexue 5(D5)and Chuanxue 3(C3)as the objects.The change characteristics of moisture content,related enzymes activi-ties,plastid pigment content and polyphenol content in leaves of the four varieties of cigar tobacco during air-curing and their effects on the color and quality of tobacco leaves were studied.The results showed that the comprehensive quality of Dexue 3 leaves was the best that had higher enzymes activities,sufficient degradation of polyphenols and plastid pigments,good color and sufficient aroma components after air-curing,which was followed by Dexue 1 and Chuanxue 3.The leaves of Dexue 1 could be used as wrapper.The comprehensive quality of Dexue 5 leaves was the worst.
河南农业大学烟草学院,河南 郑州 450046河南农业大学烟草学院,河南 郑州 450046河南农业大学烟草学院,河南 郑州 450046河南农业大学烟草学院,河南 郑州 450046四川省烟草公司达州市公司,四川 达州 635711四川省烟草公司德阳市公司,四川 德阳 618000河南农业大学烟草学院,河南 郑州 450046河南农业大学烟草学院,河南 郑州 450046
Cigar tobaccoVarietyPhysical and chemical propertiesColorAir-curing
《山东农业科学》 2024 (12)