

Effects of Maize-Peanut Intercropping on Rhizosphere Microecological Environment and Yield of Peanut


花生连作严重影响植株生长,导致花生产量和品质下降.间作复合种植是缓解连作障碍的一种安全、有效、生态的方法.为进一步探明玉米花生间作复合种植对花生根际微生态环境及花生产量的影响,本研究选取山东省莒县花生连作 10 年的地块,以'花育 22'和'郑单 958'为试验材料,以单一种植花生为对照,设置玉米、花生 3∶4间作模式,研究玉米花生间作对花生根际土壤氮磷钾养分及有机质含量、根际土壤微生物群落结构和荚果产量的影响;通过室内模拟试验探究玉米根系分泌物和玉米根际微生物对连作花生生长和根际微生物群落结构的调控作用.田间试验结果表明,与花生单一种植相比,玉米花生间作换带种植显著增加花生土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾和有效钾含量,并显著增加花生根际土壤细菌Actinospica、Granulicel-la、Bryobacter、Chujaibacter的丰度,而 Bradyrhizobium、Mesorhizobium 的丰度显著降低;花生百果重显著增加41.8%,单株烂果数显著降低 66.7%,荚果产量显著提高 32.2%.室内模拟试验结果表明,添加玉米根系分泌物和根际微生物均能增加连作花生根际土壤Actinospica的丰度,促进花生根系生长;玉米根系分泌物处理花生地上部干重显著增加 24.1%,根系长度和根表面积仅增加 7.2%和 5.4%;玉米根际微生物处理花生地上部干重提高 4.7%,根系长度和根表面积分别显著增加 50.5%和 47.4%.综上,玉米花生间作复合种植能够提高花生根际土壤养分的有效性,改善微生物群落结构,减少烂果数,进而提高花生产量;玉米花生间作系统中玉米根系分泌物和玉米根际土壤微生物对连作花生土壤微生态环境的改善有重要作用,是缓解花生连作障碍的主要因素之一.

Continuous cropping seriously affected the growth of peanut plants,resulting in decreased yield and quality.Intercropping,as a combined planting mode,is a safe,effective and ecological method to alleviate continuous cropping obstacles.In order to further investigate the effects of maize-peanut intercropping on rhizosphere microecological environment and yield of peanut,the fields of continuous cropping peanut for 10 years in Juxian County of Shandong Province were selected,'Huayu 22'and'Zhengdan 958'were used as experimental materials,and the intercropping mode of maize and peanut at 3∶4 was set with continuous cropping peanut as control.The effects of maize-peanut intercropping on nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium and organic matter contents and microbial community structure in rhizosphere soil,and pod yield of peanuts were studied.The effects of maize root exudes and maize rhizosphere microorganisms on the growth and rhizosphere microbial community structure of continuous cropping peanut were investigated through laboratory simulation experiments.The results of field experiment showed that compared with continuous cropping peanut,maize-peanut intercropping significantly increased the contents of orgnic matter,alkali hydrolytic nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium,significantly increased the abundance of Actinospica,Granulicella,Bry-obacter and Chujaibacter while significantly decreased the abundance of Bradyrhizobium and Mesorhizobium in the rhizosphere soil of peanut.The 100-pod weight of intercropped peanut increased significantly by 41.8%,the rotten pod number per plant decreased significantly by 66.7%,and the pod yield increased significantly by 32.2%.The results of laboratory simulation experiments showed that adding maize root exudate and rhizosphere microorganism could increase the abundance of Actinospica in rhizosphere soil and significantly promote root growth of continuous cropping peanut;Maize root exudate treatment significantly increased the peanut above-ground dry weight by 24.1%,while the root length and root surface area increased only by 7.2%and 5.4%.Maize rhizosphere microorganism treatment increased the peanut above-ground dry weight by 4.7%and in-creased the root length and root surface area by 50.5%and 47.4%,respectively.In conclusion,maize-peanut intercropping could improve the availability of soil nutrients and the structure of microbial community in peanut rhizosphere,reduce rotten pod number and thus increase peanut yield.Maize root exudates and maize rhizo-sphere soil microorganism in maize-peanut intercropping system played an important role in improving the soil ecological environment of continuous cropping peanut,and were one of the main factors to alleviate the obsta-cles of continuous cropping peanut.


青岛农业大学农学院,山东 青岛 266109||山东省农业科学院农作物种质资源研究所,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农作物种质资源研究所,山东 济南 250100山东农业工程学院,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农作物种质资源研究所,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农作物种质资源研究所,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农作物种质资源研究所,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农作物种质资源研究所,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农作物种质资源研究所,山东 济南 250100山东省农业科学院农作物种质资源研究所,山东 济南 250100



Maize-peanut intercroppingContinuous cropping peanutRhizosphere microorganismSoil nitrogen,phosphorus and potassiumRoot exudateContinuous cropping obstacles

《山东农业科学》 2024 (12)



