

Recent progress in mass spectrometry imaging using nanospray desorption electrospray ionization


常压质谱成像无需复杂的样品处理步骤,能在大气压下直接对组织切片中成百上千种分析物进行原位分析.目前,该领域正处于蓬勃发展的时期.已报道的常压电离技术种类众多,并呈现出"百花齐放"的良好态势;其中,纳升解吸电喷雾电离(nano-DESI)是近年发展迅速的一种基于液滴萃取的常压电离技术.脂质结构的复杂性给nano-DESI脂质成像带来了极大的挑战,而新型nano-DESI联用技术使脂质精细结构的鉴定与成像成为可能.与电喷雾电离(ESI)类似,nano-DESI倾向于产生多电荷态的分子离子,因而在蛋白质大分子的成像中具有显著的优势.本文聚焦于近 3 年nano-DESI在离子源研发、脂质结构分析和空间蛋白质组学方面的研究进展,并探讨了nano-DESI领域中亟需解决的关键问题.

Ambient mass spectrometry imaging(MSI)enables hundreds of analytes in tissue sections to be directly mapped at atmospheric pressure with minimal sample preparation.This field is currently experiencing rapid growth,with numerous reported ambient ionization tech-niques resulting in a"hundred flowers bloom"situation.Nanospray desorption electrospray ion-ization(nano-DESI),developed by the Laskin group in 2010,is a widely used liquid-extraction-based ambient ionization technique that was first used for mass spectrometry imaging of tissue in 2012.The nano-DESI probe comprises a primary capillary and a nanospray capillary,with the latter efficiently transferring analyte-containing droplets via a tiny liquid bridge formed between the probe and sample surface,thereby enabling nanoelectrospray ionization(nano-ESI)in front of the inlet of a mass spectrometer.The advantages of nano-DESI MSI include minimal sample preparation,high spatial resolution,and high sensitivity.These features are well-suited for ima-ging various sample types,including frozen tissue sections,microbial communities,and envi-ronmental samples.A PubMed-database search using the"nano-DESI"keyword revealed 72 re-lated articles in the 2010-2024 period,with 34 of them published between 2021 and 2024,which indicates that nano-DESI has rapidly developed as an ambient ionization technique over recent years.Herein,we briefly introduce key nano-DESI-MSI research progress reported in the past three years with the aim of better understanding and facilitating the use of this technology.We first discuss advances in ion-source development.Since no commercial nano-DESI source ex-ists,designing and constructing ion sources remain technical challenges that limit its development.Nano-DESI has been successfully coupled with various types of mass spectrome-ter,including LTQ Orbitrap,quadrupole-Orbitrap(Q Exactive),6560 IM QTOF,timsTOF Pro2,triple quadrupole,and FTICR.These couplings have significantly expanded the applica-tions range of the nano-DESI technique.Secondly,lipid analysis is a major nano-DESI-MSI ap-plications area.While the complexities of lipid structures present great challenges for nano-DESI MSI,new nano-DESI coupling techniques have enabled the identification and imaging of fine lipid structures.Several novel imaging methods have recently been introduced to address difficulties associated with identifying lipid structures,such as distinguishing carbon-carbon double bonds(C=C)and sn-positional isomers.We finally highlight recent research progress in the nano-DESI MSI of intact protein assembles and proteoforms,which is a growing hotspot in the field.Unlike small lipid molecules,large protein molecules are very challenging to image and consequently demand higher instrumental performance(e.g.,ionization efficiency,mass range,and sensitivity).In a similar manner to the ESI technique,nano-DESI tends to generate multiply charged molecular ions,which endows it with a significant advantage when imaging large protein molecules.Recent years have witnessed important nano-DESI-MSI progress for studying protein-ligand interactions and identifying and imaging endogenous proteoforms.In summary,this article focuses on nano-DESI research progress in terms of ion-source develop-ment,lipid-structure analysis,and spatial proteomics over the past three years and discusses key challenges that need to be addressed in the field.


四川大学华西药学院,四川 成都 610041四川大学华西药学院,四川 成都 610041四川大学华西药学院,四川 成都 610041四川大学华西药学院,四川 成都 610041四川大学华西药学院,四川 成都 610041



nanospray desorption electrospray ionizationambient mass spectrometry ima-gingstructural characterization of lipidspatial proteomics

《色谱》 2025 (1)


四川省科技计划项目(2024NSFSC0640). Sichuan Science and Technology Program(No.2024NSFSC0640).

