

Effects of soil and water conservation measures on runoff and soil loss in sloping area under heavy rainfall conditions


[目的]探究暴雨条件下水土保持措施对坡面产流产沙的影响,可对科学制定高效的水土流失防治措施提供依据.[方法]依托北京密云区石匣小流域水土保持科技示范园的7个径流小区,选取了 2010-2021年20场自然暴雨观测数据,运用统计和相关分析等方法探讨了不同水土保持措施对产流产沙和面源污染的影响,并分析了降雨、土壤、植被因子与产流产沙之间的相关性.[结果](1)在2010-2021年研究区年降雨总量相对平缓,但年降雨频率有所增加、暴雨发生次数呈现出上升趋势.(2)在20次暴雨条件样本中,荆条的减流率和减沙率分别为94.13%和99.76%,减流减沙效益优于刺槐+侧柏十鱼鳞坑、玉米+梯田等其他组合.荆条、刺槐+侧柏+鱼鳞坑对面源污染的防治效果较好,污染指标显著低于平均水平.(3)降雨因子、植被因子与径流泥沙的相关性分析显示,平均雨强、I30、I60与径流量呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.54,0.73,0.7;平均雨强、I6.与泥沙量呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.58,0.5;植物盖度与径流量、泥沙量明显负相关,相关系数分别为-0.51,0.58.[结论]综合考虑暴雨条件下的径流泥沙数据,我们认为在保障经济效益的前提下,推荐该地区采用荆条作为优先水土保持措施.

[Objective]The aims of this study are to investigate the effect of soil and water conservation measures runoff and sand production on slope under heavy rainfall conditions,and to provide a basis for the scientific development of efficient soil erosion control measures.[Methods]Seven runoff plots in the Soil and Water Conservation Science and Technology Demonstration Park of Shixia Sub-basin in Miyun District,Beijing,were used as the study sites.The observation data of 20 events of natural rainstorms from 2010 to 2021 were selected.The impacts of different soil and water conservation measures on the production of runoff and sand,and surface pollution were explored by using the methods of statistics and correlation analysis.The correlations between the rainfall,soil,and vegetation factors and the production of runoff and sediment were analyzed.[Results](1)The total annual rainfall in the study area was relatively flat between 2010 and 2021,but the annual rainfall frequency increased and the number of storms showed a rising trend.(2)Among the 20 samples of heavy rainfall conditions,the runoff and sediment reduction rates of wattle were 94.13%and 99.76%,respectively,and the runoff and sediment reduction benefits were better than those of other combinations,such as Robinia pseudoacacia Linn+Platycladus orientalis Franco+fish scale pits and Zea mays L+terraces.Vitex negundo Linn,Robinia pseudoacacia Linn+Platycladus orientalis Franco+fish scale pit had better prevention and control of opposite source pollution,and the pollution indexes were significantly lower than the average level.(3)The correlation analysis of rainfall factor,vegetation factor and runoff sediment showed that the average rainfall intensity,I30,I60 and runoff were significantly positively correlated,with correlation coefficients of 0.54,0.73,0.7,respectively.The average rainfall intensity,I60 and sediment amount were significantly positively correlated,with correlation coefficients of 0.58,0.5,respectively.The plant cover was significantly negatively correlated with runoff and sediment amount,with correlation coefficients of-0.51,-0.58.[Conclusion]Considering the runoff sediment data under heavy rainfall conditions,it is believed that under the premise of guaranteeing economic benefits,the use of wattle is recommend as a priority soil and water conservation measure in this area.


北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京 100083北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京 100083北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京 100083北京市密云区水土保持工作站,北京 101500北京市密云区水土保持工作站,北京 101500



soil erosionheavy rainfallrunoff-producing and sediment-producingsoil and water conservation benefitsnorthern soil and rocky mountainous areas

《水土保持研究》 2025 (2)



