Variation of soil bulk density on slope and scale effect in Zhongzhuang small watershed of loess area in southern Ningxia
[目的]分析土壤密度在坡面上的变化特征及尺度效应,探讨土壤密度坡面尺度转换路径,为精准监测土壤密度、科学评价土壤功能、指导土壤资源管理提供理论依据.[方法]在宁夏南部半干旱黄土丘陵区中庄小流域,选择3个退耕还林还草后的典型坡面,按坡位从上至下设置了 5个样地,调查各样地的植被类型、土地利用、立地条件等,采用环刀法分层测定了 200 cm深度的土壤密度.[结果]在东坡、西坡、南坡,土壤密度随土层加深基本表现为线性增加,土层每加深10 cm 土壤密度平均增加0.006 2,0.003 6,0.007 5 g/cm3,其原因为植被根系、土壤有机质、压实作用的土层差异.在0-200 cm 土层,东坡和南坡土壤密度坡面均值均为1.22 g/cm3,低于西坡(1.26 g/cm3).3个坡面土壤密度的坡面变化存在差异,东坡、西坡、南坡沿坡变化表现为逐渐增加或先增后减、先升后降、先降后升,整体上为坡面下部大于上部,主要原因包括植被类型、土地利用、人类活动、恢复年限等坡面差异.以离坡顶水平距离增加100 m土壤密度坡面滑动平均值的变化量评价坡面尺度效应,0-200 cm 土层的平均土壤密度坡面尺度效应在东坡为0.032(g/cm3)/100 m,在西坡为 0.024(g/cm3)/100 m(离坡顶 0-250 m)和-0.007(g/cm3)/100 m(离坡顶 250-329 m),在南部为-0.011(g/cm3)/100 m(离坡顶 0-140 m)和 0.018(g/cm3)/100 m(离坡顶 140-368 m).构建 3 个坡面不同坡位样地各土层的土壤密度与坡面均值的比值随离坡顶水平距离增加而变化的关系式(R2>0.80,p<0.0001),且基于拟合关系式预测的土壤密度坡面均值的相对误差均小于2.5%,藉此可由任一坡位样地土壤密度测定值准确便捷地估算坡面均值.[结论]半干旱黄土区土壤密度坡面变化和坡位差异明显,且植被类型、人为干扰、土地利用等对土壤密度坡面分布格局影响较大,未来应加强主要作用因子对土壤密度坡面变化及尺度效应的贡献研究.
[Objective]The aims of this study are to analyze the variation characteristics and scale effect of soil bulk density on slope,to discuss the scale transformation path of soil bulk density on slopes,and to provide theoretical basis for accurate monitoring of soil bulk density,scientific evaluation of soil function and guidance of soil resource management.[Methods]In Zhongzhuang small watershed in the semi-arid loess hilly region of southern Ningxia,three typical slopes after returning farmland to forest and grassland were selected,and five plots were set up from top to bottom according to the slope position.The vegetation types,land use and site conditions of each plot were investigated,and the soil bulk density at 200 cm depth was measured by ring knife method.[Results]In the east slope,west slope and south slope,the soil bulk densities increased linearly with the deepening of soil layer,and the soil bulk densities increased by 0.006 2,0.003 6 and 0.007 5 g/cm3 for every 10 cm deepening of soil layer,which was due to the difference of soil layer of vegetation root,soil organic matter and compaction.In the 0-200 cm soil layer,the mean soil bulk densities on the eastern and southern slopes were 1.22 g/cm3,which was lower than that on the western slope(1.26 g/cm3).There were differences in the slope changes of soil bulk density on the three slopes.The changes along the slope of the eastern slope,the western slope and the southern slope showed a gradual increase or first increase and then decrease,first increase and then decrease,and first decrease and then increase.On the whole,soil bulk density in the lower part of the slope was larger than the upper part.The main reasons included slope differences such as vegetation type,land use,human activities,and recovery years.The slope scale effect was evaluated by the change of the slope sliding average value of soil bulk density at a horizontal distance of 100 m from the top of the slope.The average soil bulk density slope scale effects of 0-200 cm soil layer was 0.032(g/cm3)/100 m on the eastern slope,0.024(g/cm3)/100 m(0-250 m from the top of the slope)and-0.007(g/cm3)/100 m(250-329 m from the top of the slope)on the western slope,-0.011(g/cm3)/100 m(0-140 m from the top of the slope)and 0.018(g/cm3)/100 m(140-368 m from the top of the slope)on the southern slope.The relationship between the ratio of soil bulk density of each soil layer and the mean value of the slope in different slope positions of the three slopes was constructed(R2>0.80,p<0.0001).The relative errors of the slope mean of soil bulk density predicted by the fitting relationship were all less than 2.5%,so that the mean value of the slope could be accurately and conveniently estimated by the soil bulk density measurement value of any slope position.[Conclusion]There are obvious differences of soil bulk density in slope change and slope position in semi-arid loess area,and vegetation type,human disturbance and land use have great influence on slope distribution pattern of soil bulk density.In the future,the contribution of main factors to soil bulk density change on slope and scale effect of should be strengthened.
宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室宁夏生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心,银川 750002||中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室宁夏生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心,银川 750002中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室宁夏生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心,银川 750002宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室宁夏生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心,银川 750002宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室宁夏生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心,银川 750002宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室宁夏生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心,银川 750002宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室宁夏生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心,银川 750002
soil bulk densityslope changescale effectvegetation typesemi-arid loess area
《水土保持研究》 2025 (2)