Comprehensive optimization of high-speed railway ticket pricing and quota considering passenger classification
高铁列车差异化定价是调节客流量,优化运输资源供需匹配的有效手段,能够提高列车上座率,增加高速铁路客票收益.针对高速铁路客票定价中存在的问题,引入收益管理的思想,分析不同经济水平旅客对票价的敏感度,提出考虑旅客分类的票价和票额联合优化方法,将旅行时间和票价作为衡量旅客出行费用的指标,构建弹性需求函数描述客流量与票价之间的变化关系,并通过logit模型测算各列车的客流分担率.在此基础上,以各起讫点(origin destination,OD)间不同列车的票额和票价为决策变量,同时考虑列车票价上下限约束和列车能力约束等,以高铁收益最大化为目标建立票价和票额联合优化模型,设计模拟退火算法与杉数求解器COPT(cardinal optimizer)相结合的算法将模型分解为两阶段进行求解.以京沪高铁列车为例对票价制定进行计算分析,结果显示,与现有的单一定价方案以及未考虑旅客类型的综合优化方案相比,引入旅客类型的票价和票额联合优化方案的客票期望收益分别提高了5.03%和1.02%,表明在票价票额联合优化的同时,考虑旅客分类能有效提高高铁列车上座率与客票收益.
Differential pricing for high-speed railway(HSR)trains is an effective method for adjusting passenger flow and optimizing the supply-demand balance of transportation resources,which can improve the train occupancy and increase HSR ticket revenue.To address issues in HSR ticket pricing,we introduce the idea of revenue management,analyze the sensitivity of passengers from different economic levels to ticket prices,and then put forward a combined optimization method for ticket prices and quotas considering passenger classification,with travel time and ticket price as indicators to measure passenger travel costs,and an elastic demand function is constructed to describe the changing relationship between passenger flow and ticket price.A logit model is then used to calculate the passenger flow sharing ratio for each train.Based on the model,the optimization model of ticket price and quota is developed,with the ticket price and quota of different trains between origin destination(OD)pairs as decision variables while considering constraints such as the upper and lower limit limits of train price and train capacity.To solve the model,an algorithm combining simulated annealing algorithm and cardinal optimizer(COPT)solver is designed to decompose the model into two stages.A case study on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway train is conducted to analyze the fare formulation.The results show that compared with the existing single pricing scheme and the comprehensive optimization scheme without considering the passenger type,the expected revenue from passenger tickets of the comprehensive optimization scheme with passenger classification increases by 5.03%and 1.02%,respectively.This indicates that considering passenger classification while jointly optimizing the ticket prices and quotas can effectively improve the occupancy rate and ticket revenue of high-speed railway.
兰州交通大学交通运输学院,甘肃 兰州 730070兰州交通大学交通运输学院,甘肃 兰州 730070||兰州交通大学高原铁路运输智慧管控铁路行业重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730070兰州交通大学交通运输学院,甘肃 兰州 730070||兰州交通大学高原铁路运输智慧管控铁路行业重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730070兰州交通大学交通运输学院,甘肃 兰州 730070
transportation planning and managementrevenue managementhigh-speed railwayticket priceticket amountjoint optimizationcardinal optimizer(COPT)solver
《深圳大学学报(理工版)》 2025 (1)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(72161023,71761023)Science and Technology Department Plan Project of Gansu Province(22JR5RA379,22JR11RA159)Research Project of Higher Education Department of Gansu Province(2022QB-060)Open Subject Foundation of Key Laboratory of Railway Industryon Plateau Railway Transportation Intelligent Management and Control(GYYSHZ2302) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(72161023,71761023)甘肃省科技厅计划资助项目(22JR5RA379,22JR11RA159)甘肃省教育厅高等学校科研基金资助项目(2022QB-060)高原铁路运输智慧管控铁路行业重点实验室开放课题资助项目(GYYSHZ2302)