Numerical Simulation of Microplastic Distribution and Transport in the Bohai Sea Based on OpenDrift Model
本研究基于 OpenDrift 模型对渤海漂浮微塑料的分布特征、输运规律和不同季节的主控动力因素进行数值模拟研究.与现场观测数据的比对和校验结果显示,数值模拟结果能够较好地反映渤海内微塑料丰度的空间分布特征.在分布方面,莱州湾大部、辽东湾东北部、渤海湾西北部存在微塑料的主要搁浅区,辽东湾内部、渤海湾湾口北部、黄河口外海存在漂浮微塑料的重要聚集区.在渤海中部海区,粒子春季、夏季主要受海流的影响,秋季主要受斯托克斯漂流和风的影响,冬季受到以上 3 种动力因素的共同影响;在渤海湾和渤海海峡区域,粒子受到海流的影响大;在莱州湾区域,粒子冬季主要受斯托克斯漂流和风的影响,夏季受海流的影响,春季、秋季受到 3 种动力因素的共同影响;在辽东湾区域,各动力因素对微塑料丰度分布均有影响.
In the current study,the OpenDrift model was used to numerically simulate the distribution characteristics,transport patterns,and key driving forces of the floating microplastics in the Bohai Sea for different seasons.Comparison and validation with field observation data indicated that the numerical simulation results could effectively capture the spatial distribution characteristics of microplastic abundance in the Bohai Sea.Regarding distribution,the major accumulation areas for microplastics were identified in the majority of the Laizhou Bay,the northeast part of the Liaodong Bay,and the north-west part of the Bohai Bay.In the Liaodong Bay,the northern part of the Bohai Bay mouth,and offshore of the Yellow River estuary were recognized as significant aggregation zones for the floating microplastics.In the central Bohai Sea region,particle distribution was primarily influenced by ocean currents in spring and summer,by Stokes drift and wind in autumn,and by a combination of these three factors in winter.In the Bohai Bay and Bohai Strait areas,particles were strongly influ-enced by ocean currents.In the Laizhou Bay,particle distribution was mainly influenced by the Stokes drift and wind in win-ter and the ocean currents in summer,respectively.In spring and autumn,it was affected by a combination of all three fac-tors.In the Liaodong Bay,all driving forces had discernible impacts on the microplastic abundance distribution.
天津科技大学海洋与环境学院,天津 300457天津科技大学海洋与环境学院,天津 300457
marine microplasticsparticle trackingtransportthe Bohai Sea
《天津科技大学学报》 2024 (6)