Pollution Characteristics of Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air in Tianjin
研究天津市不同功能区尤其是工业区与中心城区的环境空气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的污染特征.于 2022年 11 月—2023 年 5 月期间,选择工业区(BH站位)、中心城区(HX站位)两个站位在冬季、春季对环境空气中 115 种VOCs进行定量监测,分析其浓度水平、污染特征及光化学反应性.结果表明:观测期间,BH、HX两站位总VOCs平均质量浓度分别为(105.23±63.61)µg/m3、(67.75±43.36)µg/m3,前者较后者高 55.3%,冬季、春季两站位VOCs均呈现出BH 站位>HX 站位的特征,且从冬季到春季各 VOCs 组分质量浓度均有不同程度的下降;BH、HX 两站位占比最高的组分分别为烷烃和含氧挥发性有机物(OVOCs),BH站位占比最高的物质为二氯甲烷,HX站位则为丙酮;两站位对臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和二次有机气溶胶生成潜势(SOAP)贡献最高组分均为芳香烃,占比分别为 36.4%和 91.5%;此外,对 OFP 和 SOAP 贡献最大的组分分别为顺-2-丁烯和甲苯.特征比值分析表明本地 VOCs 气团老化程度较高,表示其浓度一定程度上受远距离传输影响.本研究结果可为差异化污染治理提供参考.
We conducted our present study on the pollution characteristics of volatile organic compounds(VOCs)in ambient air in different functional areas of Tianjin,especially in industrial areas and central urban areas.In the study,between No-vember 2022 and May 2023,two stations in the industrial area(BH)and the central urban area(HX)were selected to quanti-tatively monitor 115 VOCs in ambient air in winter and spring,and analyze their concentration levels,pollution characteris-tics and photochemical reactivity.The results showed that during the observation period,the average concentrations of total VOCs at the BH and HX stations were(105.23±63.61)µg/m3 and(67.75±43.36)µg/m3,respectively,with the former 55.3%higher than the latter.Moreover,the VOCs at both stations in winter and spring were characterized by BH>HX and the mass concentration of VOCs decreased to different degrees from winter to spring.The components with the highest proportions at BH and HX were alkanes and oxygenated VOCs(OVOCs),respectively,and the species with the highest proportions at BH was methylene chloride,while acetone was found at HX.Aromatic hydrocarbons were the highest con-tributors to the ozone formation potential(OFP)and secondary organic aerosol formation potential(SOAP)at both stations,with 36.4%and 91.5%,respectively,while cis-2-butene and toluene were the highest contributors to the OFP and SOAP,respectively.The characteristic species ratios indicate that the local VOCs air masses are highly aged and somewhat affected by long-distance transport.The results of this research can provide reference for differentiated pollution control.
天津科技大学理学院,天津 300457天津科技大学理学院,天津 300457天津科技大学理学院,天津 300457天津科技大学现代分析技术研究中心,天津 300457天津科技大学现代分析技术研究中心,天津 300457
volatile organic compounds(VOCs)pollution characteristicsozone formation potentialsecondary organic aerosol formation potentialgas chromatography-mass spectrometry
《天津科技大学学报》 2024 (6)