2D/3D electrical exploration based on borrowing-line telecontrol electrode arrays
The telecontrol electrode array is a new type of electrode array for power supply and observations that utilizes the carrier waves of the power-supply and measurement wires used in conventional electrical prospecting to transmit signals.By remotely controlling a series of coded electrode switches between various wires and their connections,this array allows for orderly power supply and meas-urements.This array enables flexible spacings between electrodes and the gradual expansion of the distances between power supply elec-trodes via remote control,thus achieving a gradient-based sounding array.The borrowing-line remote controller can be used combined with single-channel,multi-channel,and high-density resistivity instruments,and the combined arrays can perform 2D/3D electrical prospecting more effectively.Followed by the brief introduction of the principle of the borrowed-line telecontrol electrode array,this study discusses the applications and examples of this array and several combined arrays in the resistivity method and induced polariza-tion(IP).
广西地球物理学会,广西南宁 530023||桂林理工大学,广西桂林 541004广西地球物理学会,广西南宁 530023山东正元地质勘查院,山东 济南 250101桂林理工大学,广西桂林 541004广西地球物理学会,广西南宁 530023||上海艾都慧测智能科技有限公司,上海 201108
electrode arrayborrowing line remote controlgradient soundingarbitrary quadrupole
《物探与化探》 2024 (6)