

The role of gestures in predicting treatment outcomes in children with autism spectrum disorder


目的 从手势的数量、手势的沟通功能和手势的整合能力三个维度,探讨孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童手势在早期行为干预疗效预测中的作用.方法 2018 年 3 月至 2019 年 3 月于中山大学附属第三医院儿童发育行为中心招募 24 名ASD儿童,给予其持续 3 个月的早期行为干预,干预前后分别采用半结构化游戏互动范式评估ASD儿童的手势,以及使用适应性行为评定量表第 2 版(ABAS-Ⅱ)和汉语沟通发展量表(CDI)评估ASD儿童的社交能力、适应性行为和言语表达水平.应用多重线性回归分析手势对ASD儿童疗效的预测作用.结果 与干预前相比,ASD儿童在干预后的ABAS-Ⅱ社会技能(t=-5.850,P<0.001)、概念技能(t=-5.548,P<0.001)、实用技能(Z=-4.045,P<0.001)领域及其总分(t=-6.771,P<0.001)和CDI的总分(Z=-3.263,P=0.001)均升高.多重线性回归分析显示,干预前整合眼神手势频率可预测干预前后ABAS-Ⅱ社会技能领域分值的变化值(B=1.565,P<0.001)以及ABAS-Ⅱ总分的变化值(B=7.331,P=0.002);干预前手势总频率可预测干预前后CDI总分的变化值(B=17.089,P=0.003).结论 ASD儿童手势整合眼神的能力对干预后社交能力的提升和适应性行为的改善具有一定的预测作用;ASD儿童手势数量是干预后表达性言语进步的重要预测指标之一.

Objective To explore the role of gestures in predicting the treatment outcomes of early behavioral interventions in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD)across the dimensions of quantity,communicative function and integration ability of gestures.Methods Twenty-four ASD children who received early behavioral interventions for three months from March 2018 to March 2019 were recruited in this study in Child Development and Behavior Center of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University.Before and after the interventions,a semi-structured interactive play paradigm was adopted to assess the gestures of ASD children.The social ability,adaptive behavior,and language expression of ASD children were evaluated by using the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System versionⅡ(ABAS-Ⅱ)and the Chinese Communication Development Inventory(CDI).Multiple linear regression analysis was applied to predict the therapeutic effect by gestures in children with ASD.Results By comparing the ABAS-Ⅱsocial skills domain(t=-5.850,P<0.001),conceptual skills domain(t=-5.548,P<0.001),practical skills domain(Z=-4.045,P<0.001)and the total score(t=-6.771,P<0.001),as well as the CDI total score(Z=-3.263,P=0.001),the post-intervention scores of ASD children were significantly higher than their pre-intervention scores.Multiple linear regression model found that the frequency of eye gaze-integrated gestures before interventions in ASD children could predict the changes in the score of the social skills domain of the ABASⅡ(B=1.565,P<0.001)and the total score of the ABASⅡ(B=7.331,P=0.002).Additionally,the total gesture frequency before interventions could predict the changes in the total score of the CDI(B=17.089,P=0.003).Conclusions The ability to integrate gestures with eye gaze may predict the improvement in social skills and adaptive behavior after the interventions.The quantity of gestures could be an important predictor of progress in expressive language.


中山大学附属第三医院儿童发育行为中心,广东 广州 510630中山大学附属第三医院儿童发育行为中心,广东 广州 510630中山大学附属第三医院儿童发育行为中心,广东 广州 510630中山大学附属第三医院儿童发育行为中心,广东 广州 510630中山大学附属第三医院儿童发育行为中心,广东 广州 510630


Autism spectrum disorderGestureSocial skillAdaptive behaviorLanguageEfficacy prediction

《新医学》 2024 (12)



