Pathologic features and surgical treatment of noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features:a report of 33 cases
背景与目的:甲状腺乳头状癌发病呈明显上升趋势,因其治疗效果良好,对其降级治疗提升生活质量成为一种趋势.病理学家将包裹性滤泡亚型乳头状癌中生物学行为更为惰性的非浸润性包裹性滤泡亚型乳头状癌更名为具有乳头样核特征的非浸润性甲状腺滤泡性肿瘤(NIFTP),为其治疗降级提供了理论基础.但此类疾病在实际临床病理诊断上还存在着一定的问题,目前大多数情况下仍按经典的甲状腺乳头状癌处理.本研究探讨NIFTP的临床病理诊断特点及临床手术治疗中面临的问题及降级治疗的前景. 方法:回顾性分析首都医科大学宣武医院2017年11月—2022年12月期间入院,经最后石蜡病理证实为NIFTP的33例患者的临床资料. 结果:33例NIFTP患者中,男11例,女22例;平均年龄50岁;肿瘤大小0.6~7.5 cm;单发NIFTP肿瘤31例,多发(均2处)2例;11例合并甲状腺乳头状癌(均为1处),其中4例与NIFTP同侧,7例位于对侧甲状腺.所有患者均行手术治疗,常规开放手术27例,腔镜手术6例.怀疑或不除外癌者均按甲状腺乳头状癌手术原则处理(病变侧腺叶全切+同侧中央区淋巴结清扫).术前超声影像特点为结节主要为低回声、形态尚规则、边界尚清楚、常伴钙化、纵横比<1.超声的TI-RADS分级评估3级5例、4a级9例、4b及以上11例.术前行穿刺者29例,其中1例诊断为意义不明的细胞非典型病变或滤泡性病变(AUS/FLUS),12例诊断为滤泡性肿瘤或可疑滤泡性肿瘤(FN/SFN),12例诊断为可疑恶性肿瘤(SUS),4例考虑为甲状腺乳头状癌.25例患者术后行BRAFV600E检测,7例检测到突变,但均为合并甲状腺乳头状癌病例. 结论:NIFTP概念的提出,对某些侵袭性较弱的甲状腺肿瘤的降级或个体化治疗提供了依据.但在实际的临床诊疗中,术前及术中NIFTP诊断目前仍比较困难.所以,使手术医师改变治疗决策还需要更加准确的术前诊断标准及诊断方法.
Background and Aims:The incidence of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has shown a significant upward trend. Given its favorable prognosis,there is a growing trend toward de-escalating its treatment to improve patients' quality of life. Pathologists have renamed the encapsulated follicular variant of PTC with indolent biological behavior as noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP),providing a theoretical basis for treatment de-escalation. However,challenges persist in the clinical pathological diagnosis of NIFTP,and it is still predominantly managed as classical PTC in most cases. This study was performed to explore the clinicopathologic diagnostic characteristics,surgical challenges,and prospects for de-escalation treatment of NIFTP. Methods:The clinical data of 33 patients with thyroid disease who were admitted to Xuanwu Hospital Capital Medical University from November 2017 to December 2022 and confirmed as NIFTP by final paraffin pathology were retrospectively analyzed. Results:Among the 33 NIFTP patients,there were 11 males and 22 females,with an average age of 50 years. Tumor sizes ranged from 0.6 to 7.5 cm. There were 31 cases of solitary NIFTP tumor and 2 cases of multifocal tumors (each involving 2 sites). Eleven patients had coexisting PTC (one lesion in each case),with 4 lesions located on the same side as the NIFTP and 7 on the opposite side. All patients underwent surgical treatment,including 27 cases of conventional open surgery and 6 cases of endoscopic surgery. Suspicious or potentially malignant lesions were treated according to PTC surgical principles (lobectomy of the affected side plus central compartment lymph node dissection on the same side). Preoperative ultrasonography revealed that the nodules were predominantly hypoechoic,relatively regular in shape,well-defined,often accompanied by calcifications,and had a longitudinal-to-transverse diameter ratio of<1. TI-RADS classifications were as follows:5 cases as grade 3,9 cases as grade 4a,and 11 cases as grade 4b or higher. Among 29 patients who underwent preoperative fine-needle aspiration,1 case was diagnosed as atypia of undetermined significance/follicular lesion of undetermined significance (AUS/FLUS),12 as follicular neoplasm/suspicious for follicular neoplasm (FN/SFN),12 as suspicious for malignancy (SUS),and 4 as PTC. BRAFV600E mutation testing was performed postoperatively in 25 cases,and 7 mutations were detected,all in cases with concomitant PTC. Conclusion:The introduction of the NIFTP concept provides a foundation for de-escalation or individualized treatment of certain less aggressive thyroid tumors. However,the preoperative and intraoperative diagnosis of NIFTP remains challenging in clinical practice. More precise preoperative diagnostic criteria and methods are needed to enable surgeons to adjust treatment decisions accordingly.
首都医科大学宣武医院甲状腺乳腺疾病诊疗中心,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院甲状腺乳腺疾病诊疗中心,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院甲状腺乳腺疾病诊疗中心,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院甲状腺乳腺疾病诊疗中心,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院甲状腺乳腺疾病诊疗中心,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院甲状腺乳腺疾病诊疗中心,北京 100053
Thyroid Neoplasms/diagThyroid Neoplasms/therNIFTP
《中国普通外科杂志》 2024 (11)