Anatomy and localization of the recurrent laryngeal nerve using the middle cervical fascia as a landmark
背景与目的:甲状腺手术成功与否在很大程度上依赖于对颈部解剖结构的精确理解和妥善处理.颈中筋膜作为一个关键的解剖标志,对于甲状腺手术中的腺叶切除和喉返神经(RLN)的精准显露至关重要.然而,现有的解剖学文献对颈中筋膜及其周围间隙的具体结构描述尚不详尽.因此,本研究深入探讨颈中筋膜及其周围间隙的解剖学特征,以期为甲状腺手术提供更为准确的解剖学依据和操作指导,从而提高手术的安全性和效果. 方法:首先,对福尔马林固定的尸体标本进行系统的解剖学研究.解剖过程中,详细记录颈中筋膜及其周围间隙的结构特点,特别关注其与甲状腺、颈总动脉和舌骨下肌群的关系.其次,对行甲状腺手术的甲状腺癌患者进行观察和实时记录.手术过程中,记录颈中筋膜在手术中的表现以及相关解剖结构的变化. 结果:尸体解剖与实际术中观察发现,颈中筋膜在内侧与甲状腺紧密相连,外侧则跨越颈总动脉表面延伸至舌骨下肌群.在筋膜平面的切开过程中,可以清晰地观察到脂肪组织、淋巴结、RLN、甲状腺中静脉、甲状腺下动脉和甲状腺下静脉等重要结构.此外发现,RLN表面被一层细薄的筋膜和脂肪组织所包裹.同时,患者手术过程中显示,基于颈中筋膜的RLN显露技术是显露RLN和改善手术效果的有效方法. 结论:颈中筋膜不仅是甲状腺表面的关键支持结构,其独立的平面结构对于甲状腺手术中的组织分离和RLN的精确显露具有重要意义.对颈中筋膜及其周围间隙解剖学的深入理解,有助于确保甲状腺手术的安全性和有效性.
Background and Aims:The success of thyroid surgery largely depends on an accurate understanding and proper handling of cervical anatomical structures. As a key anatomical landmark,the middle cervical fascia plays a critical role in thyroid lobe resection and precise identification of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) during thyroid surgery. However,existing anatomical literature provides limited descriptions of the middle cervical fascia and surrounding spaces. This study was performed to explore the anatomical characteristics of the middle cervical fascia and its adjacent spaces in detail,providing more accurate anatomical evidence and practical guidance to improve the safety and efficacy of thyroid surgery. Methods:First,systematic anatomical studies were conducted on formalin-fixed cadaveric specimens. During the dissections,the structural features of the middle cervical fascia and its surrounding spaces were meticulously recorded,with special attention to its relationships with the thyroid gland,common carotid artery,and infrahyoid muscles. Second,real-time observations and records were made during thyroid surgery on patients with thyroid cancer. The appearance of the middle cervical fascia and changes in related anatomical structures were documented during surgery. Results:Both cadaveric dissections and intraoperative observations revealed that the middle cervical fascia is closely attached to the thyroid gland medially,while laterally it extends across the surface of the common carotid artery to the infrahyoid muscles. When the fascial plane was incised,important structures such as adipose tissue,lymph nodes,RLN,middle thyroid vein,inferior thyroid artery,and inferior thyroid vein were clearly observed. Additionally,it was found that the RLN is enveloped by a thin layer of fascia and adipose tissue. Intraoperative findings showed that RLN exposure techniques based on the middle cervical fascia significantly facilitated RLN identification and improved surgical efficacy. Conclusion:The middle cervical fascia is a key supportive structure on the thyroid surface and an independent fascial plane critical for tissue dissection and precise RLN exposure during thyroid surgery. A deeper understanding of the anatomy of the middle cervical fascia and its surrounding spaces is essential for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of thyroid surgery.
重庆医科大学附属第一医院乳腺甲状腺外科,重庆 400016重庆医科大学附属第一医院乳腺甲状腺外科,重庆 400016重庆医科大学人体解剖学教研室,重庆 400016重庆医科大学附属第一医院乳腺甲状腺外科,重庆 400016重庆大学附属肿瘤医院甲状腺肿瘤科,重庆 400030
Thyroid NeoplasmsThyroidectomyFasciaRecurrent Laryngeal NerveAnatomic Landmarks
《中国普通外科杂志》 2024 (11)