The Physical-Chemical Properties of the Formations in Bayan Hetao Block and Drilling Fluid Optimization Strategies
巴彦油田地层条件复杂,存在漏失、垮塌、卡钻等井下问题,影响了钻进效率.通过X射线、电镜和粒度分析等方法研究易失稳地层岩样的岩性、微观形貌和粒度分布.确定井壁失稳主要原因为钻井液对地层中微纳米裂缝的封堵能力不足导致滤液侵入使得临河组盐岩及石膏溶解剥落.因此针对上述情况,引入适用于巴彦油田失稳层位微裂缝的自研微纳米刚性封堵材料矿物树脂微粉XNZD系列及高分子柔性改性石蜡XNEP,以此来提高现场钻井液的封堵性能;引入自研胺基类复合物抑制剂XNYZ配合甲酸钾或有机盐提高钻井液抑制性能.研究表明,优化后的钻井液在缝宽为 0.03 mm下的封堵滤失量降低了 98%,线性膨胀率降低了 82.9%,提高了现场钻井液体系的封堵性及抑制性,为巴彦河套临河区块复杂地层高效钻进提供了重要的技术支撑.
The formations in the Bayan block are complex in nature,mud losses,borehole wall collapse and pipe sticking etc.have long been problems hindering the drilling efficiency.Using laboratory methods such as X-Ray,electron microscopy and particle size analysis etc.,the lithology,micromorphology and particle size distribution of the rock samples taken from the unstable section of the formations were studied.The primary cause of wellbore instability is identified as the inadequate sealing capability of the drilling fluid concerning the micro-nano fractures within the formation,which leads to fluid invasion and results in the dissolution and detachment of salt and gypsum from the Linhe Formation.To deal with these problems,a powdered rigid micrometer and nanometer resin plugging agent XNZD and a flexible high molecular weight modified paraffin XNEP were introduced into the drilling fluid to improve its plugging capacity.The self-developed XNZD plugging agent has a particle size distribution that is compatible with the fractures'sizes of the unstable formations encountered in the Bayan block.Also introduced into the drilling fluid was a self-developed amine-based compound shale inhibitor XNYZ which was used in combination with potassium formate or other organic salts to improve the inhibitive capacity of the drilling fluid.In laboratory experiment with the optimized drilling fluid on a mud loss tester with fracture size of 0.03 mm,the amount of the drilling fluid lost was reduced by 98%because of the good plugging capacity of the drilling fluid.In core expansion test,the percent linear expansion of shale cores tested with the drilling fluid was reduced by 89.2%.These experimental results indicate that the drilling fluid has good plugging capacity and inhibitive capacity,and has provided an important technical support for the high efficiency drilling in the complex formations in the Bayan Hetao block.
中国石油华北油田分公司油气工艺研究院,河北任丘 062552中国石油华北油田分公司油气工艺研究院,河北任丘 062552中国石油华北油田分公司油气工艺研究院,河北任丘 062552西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610500西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610500西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610500||油气钻完井技术国家工程研究中心,北京 102200西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610500
Mud lossMicrofractureBorehole wall destabilizationMicro-nano sealingDrilling fluid
《钻井液与完井液》 2024 (6)