Method of Evaluating Flushing Efficiency of Cementing Ahead Fluids
固井前置液的冲洗效率是影响固井质量的关键因素之一,合理的前置液冲洗效率评价方法及实验对象是优选前置液配方及用量的关键.针对目前前置液评价方法无法客观、真实反应实钻井壁的冲洗效果这一问题,以制作的含有不同深度孔洞的岩心作为改进后的实验对象,模拟实钻凹凸不平的井壁,借助磁力搅拌器模拟前置液冲洗井壁的全过程,构建了一种前置液冲洗效率的评价方法,并验证了该评价方法的合理性.结果表明:该前置液冲洗效率评价方法模拟了实钻井壁凹凸不平的真实情况,考虑了钻井液、隔离液中重晶石粉在实钻井壁孔洞内、表面的滞留、吸附对冲洗效率的影响,评价结果更客观,能够更真实地反应前置液的冲洗效果,可为前置液配方优化及用量设计提供技术参考和依据.利用该评价方法,评价了不同密度、不同接触时间条件下冲洗隔离液的冲洗效率,实验结果可重复性强,可以客观、真实地反应冲洗剂的性能.借助该评价方法,对东海某气田固井前置液配方及用量进行了优化改进,优化后前置液冲洗效率可达 97%,固井质量较应用前提升10.3%.
The flushing efficiency of a cementing ahead fluid is one of the key factors affecting the job quality of well cementing.A reasonable method for evaluating the flushing efficiency of an ahead fluid and a reasonable experimental object are key factors for selecting ahead fluid formulation and volume.The evaluation results obtained with the methods presently in use for evaluating the flushing efficiency of ahead fluids cannot objectively and truthfully reflect the flushing effect of an ahead fluid.To solve this problem,cores made with pores of different depths are used as the experimental object to simulate the actual rough borehole walls,and a magnetic agitator is used to simulate the whole process of flushing action of the ahead fluid on the borehole wall.The cores with pores and the magnetic agitator composed of the new evaluation method and the feasibility of this method is verified.The experimental results obtained show that this new method can simulate the real situation of the uneven borehole walls and takes into account the effects of several factors,such as the detention and adsorption of the barite particles in the drilling fluid and the spacers in the pores and on the surface of the borehole walls.The evaluation results are regarded as being more objective and are able to truthfully reflect the flushing effect of an ahead fluid,and they can be used as the technical reference and the bases for optimization of ahead fluid formulation and for volume design of an ahead fluid.Using this method,the flushing efficiencies of several ahead fluids of different densities and contact time lengths are evaluated.The evaluation test gives results that are repeatable,and objectively and truthfully reflect the performance of the flushing additives.With this method,the composition and volume of an ahead fluid for cementing a well drilled in a gas field in East China Sea is optimized and modified.The flushing efficiency of the ahead fluid after optimization is 97%,and the job quality of the well cementing operation is improved by 10.3%.
中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东 青岛 266580||中石化华北石油工程有限公司技术服务公司,河南 郑州 450042中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东 青岛 266580中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东 青岛 266580中石化华北石油工程有限公司技术服务公司,河南 郑州 450042中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东 青岛 266580中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东 青岛 266580中国石油大学(北京)非常规油气科学技术研究院,北京 102249
Well cementingAhead fluidEvaluation methodFlushing efficiency
《钻井液与完井液》 2024 (6)