A Full Temperature Range Polymer Retarder
针对传统链状聚合物缓凝剂规律性差、中低温易超缓凝、强度发展缓慢的技术难题,根据缓凝剂作用机理、通过优化分子结构设计,在 2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)和衣康酸(IA)基础上引入苯乙烯磺酸钠(SSS)单体和长链疏水缔合单体TAS-24,制备出一种新型四元聚合物缓凝剂C-R45L,并通过红外光谱和水泥浆性能评价对其进行了研究.研究结果表明:缓凝剂C-R45L具有良好的缓凝效果,在加量为 4%、温度为 210℃的下稠化时间可达到 347 min;在高温及中低温下都具有良好的规律性,不仅适用于高温条件,也可应用于中低温固井;对水泥石抗压强度无不利影响,中低温及顶部强度发展快,具有良好的大温差性能,适用于长封固段固井.缓凝剂C-R45L在古探 1井成功应用,固井质量优良.
A new quaternary polymer retarder C-R45L has been developed through molecular design to overcome the shortcomings of the conventional chain polymer retarders such as poor regularity,easy to cause overtime retardation at medium-low temperatures and slow development of strength etc.The raw materials for the synthesis of C-R45L include 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid(AMPS),itaconic acid(IA),sodium styrene sulfonate(SSS)and a long-chain hydrophobic associative monomer TAS-24.Study on C-R45L with IR spectroscopy and laboratory evaluation of C-R45L's effects on the performance of cement slurries show that C-R45L has good retarding effect;a cement slurry treated with 4%C-R45L has thickening time of 347 min at 210℃.At high and medium-low temperatures,C-R45L has good retarding regularity.C-R45L can be used at high-temperature,medium-temperature and low-temperature operations.It has no adverse effect on the compressive strength of set cement,the medium/low temperature strengths and the top strength of set cement develop very fast.Good wide-temperature-range performance makes C-R45L suitable for use in cementing long open holes.C-R45L has been successfully used in cementing the exploration well Gutan-1,and excellent cementing job quality was obtained.
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Polymer retarderFull temperature rangeHydrophobic associationRegularityWide temperature range
《钻井液与完井液》 2024 (6)