首页|期刊导航|Acta Geochimica|Correction:Alkaline igneous rocks,a potential source of rare metals and radioactive minerals:Case study at Amreit area,south Eastern Desert,Egypt
Correction:Alkaline igneous rocks,a potential source of rare metals and radioactive minerals:Case study at Amreit area,south Eastern Desert,EgyptOA
In this article,there were errors in Table 2 and Fig.5a which are corrected as below.In Table 2,the row headed alkali granite is incorrect.It should be alkaline granite.In Fig.5[a]the word alkali feldspar granite is incor-rect,but should be alkaline granite;the Fig.5 should have appeared as shown below.The original article has been corrected.
Baaha M.Emad
Nuclear Materials Authority,El Maadi,P.O.Box:530,Cairo,Egypt
《Acta Geochimica》 2025 (1)