首页|期刊导航|China Geology|Research hotspot and trend of plant water use in karst: Based on a bibliometric analysis from 1984 to 2022

Research hotspot and trend of plant water use in karst: Based on a bibliometric analysis from 1984 to 2022OA


Research on the ecohydrological processes of terrestrial plants is a frontier field comprising ecology,hydrology and global change research,yielding the key theoretical foundations of ecohydrology.In karst areas,due to its unique geological background,the karst landscape is strongly developed,with high bedrock exposure,high permeability,fragmented soils,shallow soils,and high spatial heterogeneity,resulting in very limited water storage for plant uptake and growth in rock fissures and shallow soils.Therefore,water conditions are an important ecological factor influencing plant growth.To comprehensively understand the current progress and development trends in plant water use research focusing on karst areas,this paper uses the VOSviewer software to analyze the literature on plant water use in karst areas between 1984 and 2022.The results showed that:(1)Research on plant water use in karst areas has developed rapidly worldwide,and the number of relevant studies in the literature have increased year by year,which together means that it is attracting more and more attention.(2)The investigation of plant water sources,geological background of karst areas,seasonal arid tropical climates,the relationship betweenδ13C values and plant water use efficiency,karst plant water use in karst savannas and subtropical areas,and ecosystems under climate change yields the knowledge base in this field.(3)Most studies in this area focus on the division of water sources of plants in karst areas,the methods of studying the water use sources of plants,and the water use strategies and efficiency of plants.(4)Future research will focus on how plant water use in karst areas is influenced by Earth’s critical zones,climate change,and ecohydrological separation.These studies will provide a key scientific basis for guiding ecological restoration and promoting sustainable development in karst areas.

De-gen Zhu;Jing Ning;Hui Yang;Jun-bing Pu;Jian-hua Cao;Meng-xia Zhou;Mitja Prelovsek;Natasa Ravbar

Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamics MNR and Guangxi,Institute of Karst Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Guilin 541000,China International Research Center on Karst under the Auspices of UNESCO,National Center for International Research on Karst Dynamic System and Global Change,Guilin 541000,China Pingguo Guangxi,Karst Ecosystem,National Observation and Research Station,Pingguo 531406,ChinaKey Laboratory of Karst Dynamics MNR and Guangxi,Institute of Karst Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Guilin 541000,China International Research Center on Karst under the Auspices of UNESCO,National Center for International Research on Karst Dynamic System and Global Change,Guilin 541000,ChinaKey Laboratory of Karst Dynamics MNR and Guangxi,Institute of Karst Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Guilin 541000,China International Research Center on Karst under the Auspices of UNESCO,National Center for International Research on Karst Dynamic System and Global Change,Guilin 541000,China Pingguo Guangxi,Karst Ecosystem,National Observation and Research Station,Pingguo 531406,ChinaChongqing Normal University,Chongqing 400000,ChinaKey Laboratory of Karst Dynamics MNR and Guangxi,Institute of Karst Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Guilin 541000,China International Research Center on Karst under the Auspices of UNESCO,National Center for International Research on Karst Dynamic System and Global Change,Guilin 541000,ChinaKey Laboratory of Karst Dynamics MNR and Guangxi,Institute of Karst Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Guilin 541000,China International Research Center on Karst under the Auspices of UNESCO,National Center for International Research on Karst Dynamic System and Global Change,Guilin 541000,ChinaResearch Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Art,Karst Research Institute,Titov trg 2,6230 Postojna,SloveniaResearch Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Art,Karst Research Institute,Titov trg 2,6230 Postojna,Slovenia


Terrestrial plantsPlant water useKarst areaClimate changeEcohydrologyBibliometricsEcological restorationSustainable developmentEnvironmental restoration engineeringWeb of Science

《China Geology》 2025 (1)


This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFE0107100)Guangxi Key Research and Development Program(GuikeAB22035004)Guangxi Science and Technology Base and Talent Special Project(Guike AD20297090).

