

Investigation and Distribution on Bird Diversity in the Rizhao Sandy Coastal Ecosystem


为更好地掌握砂质海岸生态系统中鸟类多样性分布现状,于 2020-2021 年鸟类迁徙期对日照砂质海岸生态系统中两城河口国家湿地公园、万宝滨海风景区、日照国家海滨森林公园、秀水河口4种具有代表性生境类型的鸟类采用样线法和样点法进行调查,共记录鸟类61种,隶属于12目19科,其中国家一级保护动物有2种,二级保护动物有8 种.居留型以旅鸟和夏候鸟为主;区系以广布种占优.在4个生境中,两城河口国家湿地公园鸟类多样性指数在2020年最高(2.59),秀水河口鸟类多样性指数在2021 年最高(2.37);秀水河口鸟类均匀度指数2年均为最高(0.84和0.79);万宝海滨风景区鸟类优势度指数2年均为最高(0.46 和0.37).通过调查丰富了区域鸟类的基础信息,为砂质海岸生态系统的保护和管理提供了科学依据.

In order to better grasp the present situation of bird diversity distribution in sandy coastal ecosystem,during the period of 2020-2021 in bird migration,birds in four representative habitat types of the Rizhao sandy coastal ecosystem,including Liangchenghekou National Wetland Park,Wanbao Coastal Scenic Area,Rizhao Coastal National Forest Park,and Xiushui River Estuary were investigated by line tran-sect method and sampling point method.A total of 61 bird species were recorded,belonging to 12 orders and 19 families,including 2 species of national first-class protected animals;and 8 species of national second-class protected animals.The resident type is mainly migratory birds and summer birds;the animal fauna is dominated by widely distributed species.Among the four habitats,the bird diversity index of Li-angchenghekou National Wetland Park was the highest in 2020(2.59),and the bird diversity index of Xiushui River Estuary was the highest in 2021(2.37);the evenness index of birds in the Xiushui River Estuary has been the highest for two years(0.84 and 0.79);the bird domi-nance index of Wanbao Coastal Scenic Area has been the highest for two years(0.46 and 0.37).The investigation has enriched the basic in-formation of regional birds,providing scientific basis for the protection and management of sandy coastal ecosystems.


自然资源部北海预报减灾中心,山东青岛 266100自然资源部北海预报减灾中心,山东青岛 266100西北师范大学生命科学学院,甘肃兰州 730070自然资源部北海预报减灾中心,山东青岛 266100自然资源部北海预报减灾中心,山东青岛 266100



BirdsSandy coastEcosystemDiversityRizhao

《安徽农业科学》 2025 (3)



