Phase Transitions and Elastic Properties of NH4Cl at High Pressures
在高压环境下,对天然卤砂(NH4Cl)进行同步辐射单晶 X射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱和红外光谱分析.结果表明,NH4Cl在 13.6 GPa发生相变,从 IV相(空间群为P43m)变为 V相(空间群为 P4/nmm);IV相和 V相 NH4Cl的三阶 Birch-Murnaghan状态方程参数分别为 K0=24.9(1)GPa,V0=56.4(1)Å3,K0′=5.5以及 K0=35(25)GPa,V0=110(11)Å3,K0′=3.8(13).NH4Cl的拉曼光谱在 13.7 GPa出现新峰和不连续变化,其拉曼位移与压强呈现线性关系,据此获得 IV相和 V相 NH4Cl各拉曼振动的位移量随压强的变化,并计算格林乃森参数.NH4Cl的红外光谱在 11.7~14.8 GPa出现 N—H振动峰分裂.NH4Cl,NH4Br和 NH4I的IV-V相变压强依次降低,表现出与阴离子半径成反比的规律.
Synchrotron radiation single crystal X-ray diffraction(XRD),Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectro-scopy were used to analyze natural ammonium chloride(NH4Cl)under high pressure.The results show that NH4Cl transforms from phase IV(space group P4ത3m)to phase V(space group P4/nmm)at 13.6 GPa.The parameters of the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state are determined with K0=24.9(1)GPa,V0=56.4(1)Å3,K0′=5.5 for phase IV,and K0=35(25)GPa,V0=110(11)Å3,K0′=3.8(13)for phase V.The Raman spectrum of NH4Cl shows new peaks and discontinuity at 13.7 GPa,and the Raman shift are linearly related to pressure.dνi/d P and Grüneissen parameters for each vibration of phase IV and V are obtained.The infrared spectrum of N—H vibration split at 11.7-14.8 GPa.The transition pressures from phase IV to V of NH4Cl,NH4Br and NH4I decrease in turn,which are inver-sely proportional to the anion radius.
造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室,北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京 100871造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室,北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京 100871||Geodynamics Research Center,Ehime University,Ehime 790-8577造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室,北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京 100871
ammonium chloridehigh pressure phase transitionX-ray diffractionRaman spectroscopyinfrared spectroscopy
《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 2025 (1)