

Discussion on the decoction and dosing methods of rhubarb root and rhizome in classical prescriptions


本研究旨在探索经方中大黄的煎煮及服用方式,为临床应用大黄提供参考依据.通过整理《伤寒论》和《金匮要略》中含有大黄的相关经方,分析其煎服方式与病证之间的关系.经方中大黄的煎煮方式可以分为同煎、后下、其他方式(麻沸汤渍、井花水煮及丸剂)3 类.入血分或欲缓者宜同煎,欲速且入气分者宜后下,欲轻扬宜麻沸汤渍,平肝阳宜井花水煮,病久势缓者宜丸剂.服法包括顿服、两次服药、三次服药、饭前服及未明确说明5 类.邪气盛而正不虚的急危重症选择顿服;胃肠疾病一般选择两次服药;为达到药力缓和、作用持久则选择三次服药;病在心腹下者,选择饭前服.临床应用大黄需根据病位、病势、患者体质及服药后的情况选择合适的煎煮及服用方式.

The purpose of this paper is to explore the decoction and dosing methods of rhubarb root and rhizome in classical prescriptions and to provide a reference basis for the clinical use of rhubarb root and rhizome.By collating the relevant classical prescriptions of rhubarb root and rhizome in Shanghan Lun and Jingui Yaolüe,the relationship between its decoction and dosing methods and the syndrome was analyzed.The decoction of rhubarb root and rhizome in classical prescriptions can be divided into three categories:simultaneous decoction,decoction later,and other methods(impregnation in Mafei decoction,decoction with water from the well spring first taken in the morning,and pills).If it enters the blood level or wants to slow down,rhubarb root and rhizome should be decocted at the same time with other drugs.If it enters the qi level and wants to speed up,rhubarb root and rhizome should be decocted later.If it wants to upwardly move,rhubarb root and rhizome should be immersed in Mafei decoction.If it wants to suppress liver yang,rhubarb root and rhizome should be decocted with water from the well spring first taken in the morning.If the disease is prolonged,rhubarb root and rhizome should be taken in pill form.The dosing methods of rhubarb root and rhizome can be divided into five categories:draught,twice,three times,before meals,and unspecified.For acute and serious illnesses with excess of pathogenic qi and adequate vital qi,we choose draught.For gastrointestinal diseases,we choose to take the medicine twice.For achieving a moderate and long-lasting effect,we choose to take the medicine three times.If the disease is located in the lower part of the heart and abdomen,we choose to take it before meals.The use of rhubarb root and rhizome in clinical practice requires the selection of the appropriate decoction and dosing methods according to the location of the disease,the severity of the disease,the patient's constitution,and the condition after taking the medicine.


北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029



Shanghan LunJingui Yaolüerhubarb root and rhizomedecoction methoddosing method

《北京中医药大学学报》 2025 (1)


国家中医药管理局中医学术流派传承工作室建设项目(No.1190062620029) Traditional Chinese Medicine Academic School Inheritance Studio Construction Project of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(No.1190062620029)

