Effects of fertilizer application during mid-growing season on vegetation community biomass and species diversity in meadow grasslands
适当营养添加是提高草地生产力和稳定草原群落结构的重要手段,但不同养分添加量对大尺度草原群落的影响尚不清晰.在总面积为182673 m2的呼伦贝尔轻度退化天然刈割草地上开展施肥试验,以尿素颗粒、过磷酸钙颗粒、硫酸钾颗粒为N、P、K元素添加原料,共设置了3个养分添加处理:A处理(2.3 g·m-2 N、1.2 g·m-2 P、0.75 g·m-2 K),B处理(4.6 g·m-2 N、2.4 g·m-2 P、1.5 g·m-2 K),C处理(6.9 g·m-2 N、3.6 g·m-2 P、2.3 g·m-2 K)和1个对照处理;于植物生长中期的2022年7月中旬和8月初进行两次施肥,对比施肥对草地群落特征的影响.结果表明:各处理对草地生产力与物种多样性无协同影响,A处理未显著影响群落生物量,但显著提高了群落丰富度指数;B和C处理显著提高了群落生物量,由CK的201.73 g·m-2提高到B和C处理的319.19和328.52 g·m-2,但未显著影响群落物种多样性.B和C处理显著提高了优势种和多年生丛生禾草的生物量,B处理还显著提高了多年生杂类草的生物量.B和C处理群落生物量的提高是群落物种高度与密度共同作用的结果.A、B和C处理均显著提升了群落C、N、P含量,且与群落生物量的提升呈显著正相关.施肥缓解了养分限制因子对植物生长的影响,通过提高群落中主要物种的生物量来提升群落生物量.
Appropriate nutrient addition can improve grassland productivity and stability,but the effects of adding different amounts of nutrients on large-scale grassland communities are unclear.In this study,fertilization experiments were carried out in a field experiment on mildly degraded natural mowed grassland in Hulunbuir with a total area of 182673 m2.Urea granules,calcium superphosphate granules,and potassium sulfate granules were used to supply nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P),and potassium(K),respectively.Three nutrient addition treatments(A,B,C)and a control(CK)were established.The application rates of N,P2O5,and K2O were 2.3,1.2,and 0.75 g·m-2,respectively,in treatment A;4.6,2.4,and 1.5 g·m-2,respectively,in treatment B;and 6.9,3.6,and 2.3 g·m-2,respectively,in treatment C.No fertilizer was applied to the CK.The fertilizers were applied twice,once in mid-July and once in early August 2022 in the middle of the growing season.We compared the effects of these fertilization treatments on the characteristics of grassland communities.The results showed no synergistic effect of the treatments on the productivity and species diversity of the grassland.Treatment A did not significantly affect the community biomass,but significantly increased the community richness index.The community biomass was 201.73 g·m-2 in CK,and was higher in treatment B(319.19 g·m-2)and treatment C(328.52 g·m-2),although the community species diversity did not differ significantly between CK and treatments B and C.Treatments B and C significantly increased the biomass of dominant species and perennial bunch grasses.Treatment B significantly increased the biomass of perennial forbs.The increase in community biomass in treatments B and C was associated with increases in community species height and density.Treatments A,B,and C significantly enhanced the carbon,N,and P contents in the community.The contents of carbon,N,and P in the communities in treatments A,B,and C were all significantly and positively correlated with community biomass.In conclusion,fertilization mitigates the effects of nutrient-limiting factors on plant growth and enhances community biomass by increasing the biomass of key species in the community.
生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094北京林业大学草业与草原学院,北京 100083生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094大连民族大学环境与资源学院,辽宁 大连 116600生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094包头师范学院生态环境学院,内蒙古 包头 014030大连民族大学环境与资源学院,辽宁 大连 116600||内蒙古大学生态与环境学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010021中国环境科学研究院,北京 100012生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094
Hulunbuir grasslandbiodiversitygrassland productivitystoichiometric ratioplant functional groupcommunity members
《草业学报》 2025 (2)