

The current status,hot topics,and prospects of digital new quality productivity research


为厘清当下数字新质生产力的研究热点和发展趋势,利用CiteSpace软件对中国知网(CNKI)数据库中以"数字新质生产力"为主题发表的997 篇CSSCI文献进行可视化分析.研究发现:数字新质生产力研究热度呈现快速上升趋势;该领域研究的发文作者和机构之间的合作交流还相当欠缺,多数学者和机构仍处于独立研究状态;主要研究机构多集中在科研机构和"双一流"高校;研究热点集中在数字经济与产业升级、未来产业与科技创新、产教融合与人才培养、社会影响与共同富裕这4 个方面.为推进后续研究的纵深化发展,需明确数字新质生产力的概念边界,加强学科交叉研究,深挖相关历史经验,进一步完善数字新质生产力的指标体系建构,并有针对性地测度特定行业与地区内数字新质生产力的发展状况.

In this paper,we visualize and analyze 997 CSSCI documents published in the China Knowledge Network(CNKI)database with the theme of"Digital New Productivity"by using CiteSpace software,aiming to clarify the research hotspots and development trends of Digital New Productivity.It is found that there is a sharp rise in the research of digital new quality productivity,whereas a few research is coming from the cooperation and communication with research institutions,because the authors of these documents and the research institutions in this field,mostly scientific research institutes and"double first-class"colleges and universities,are lacking of cooperation and communication.The research hotspots focus on the four aspects--digital economy and industrial upgrading,future industry and scientific and technological innovation,industry-teaching integration and talent cultivation,and social impact and commonwealth.To promote the development of subsequent research,it is necessary to strengthen cross-disciplinary research,clarify the conceptual boundaries of digital productivity,deepen the relevant historical experience,further improve the construction of the indicator system of digital productivity,and measure the development of digital productivity in specific industries and regions. The article firstly introduces the background and importance of digital new quality productivity.In the era of the digital economy,digital technology is closely integrated with the three elements of labor,and digital new quality productivity marked by digitization and intelligence is in a rise.As the key driving force in the era of the digital economy,digital new quality productivity represents a new leap in productivity,and its development relies on key disruptive technological breakthroughs which cultivate endogenous dynamics and enhance new momentum for development.Scholars generally believe that digital new quality productivity,with extensive permeability and integration,is a new type of productivity centered on scientific and technological innovation.Scholars have studied its connotation from different perspectives,revealing its performance and impact at different levels. Then,the article introduces the research methodology and data sources in detail.The Chinese Social Science Citation Index(CSSCI)was used as the data source for the study,"Digital New Productivity"was used as the theme for the search,and the year 2023 and 2024 were selected as the time range for the publication of the literature,and the data collection was conducted on October 30,2024,and 997 valid articles were finally screened out.The study used the CiteSpace information visualization tool to generate a variety of visualization charts including author collaboration network,institutional collaboration network,keyword co-occurrence mapping,and keyword clustering mapping,so as to reveal the current research status,hotspots,and future development trends in the field. In the section on measurement results and knowledge graph analysis,the article provides an in-depth analysis from the aspects of publication trend,major research power,highly cited literature,and research hotspot clustering.It shows that the number of literature on digital new quality productivity research has shown a significant upward trend,increasing from 28 in 2023 to 969 on October 30,2024,indicating that this field has attracted extensive attention from academics and has become a research hotspot.The analysis of the main research forces reveals that,despite the participation of many scholars in research,a stable core group of technical authors has not yet been formed,and the cooperative exchanges between authors are not sufficient.The analysis of highly cited literature reveals that the literature with a high number of citations in the field of digital new-quality productivity research has an important status in the academic community and a profound influence on subsequent research.Through the keyword co-occurrence and clustering process,the hot topics of digital new quality productivity research are mainly categorized into the digital economy and industrial upgrading,future industry and scientific and technological innovation,industry-industry integration and talent cultivation,and social impact and commonwealth,each of which has its unique research content and focus. Finally,the article provides a review and outlook on the research of digital new-quality productivity.The review points out that although the current research has made some achievements,there are still some deficiencies.For instance,a stable core group of authors has not yet been formed;the geographical distribution of research institutions is not balanced;there is a lack of cooperation and communication between research institutions and research authors.The outlook of the study puts forward suggestions such as deepening the theoretical framework and system construction,strengthening research on integration with emerging technologies,strengthening interdisciplinary cooperation and exchange,and enhancing international vision and comparative research,as as to promote the further development of digital new quality productivity research and provide useful references and inspirations for the development of China's digital economy.


青海大学 马克思主义学院,青海 西宁 810016青海大学 马克思主义学院,青海 西宁 810016


digital new quality productivityCiteSpacevisual analysisdigital economytechnical inno-vation

《重庆理工大学学报》 2025 (2)



