

Study on the influence of new quality productivity on China's economic growth


从实体性三要素和渗透性两特征出发构建新质生产力评价指标体系,对新质生产力发展水平进行科学测度.选取2011-2022 年省际面板数据,采用双固定模型、中介模型、调节模型、空间滞后模型检验新质生产力对经济增长的直接作用机制、中介作用机制、调节作用机制和空间溢出效应.结果表明:(1)新质生产力对促进区域经济增长具有显著作用,中部地区最为显著,东部地区次之;(2)新质生产力可以通过要素集聚的作用路径发挥中介效应,促进经济发展水平提升;(3)产业结构升级能够正向调节新质生产力对经济增长的作用效果;(4)新质生产力的发展对经济增长产生显著的空间溢出效应,短期来看具有负向抑制效应,但长期来看具有正向促进效应.基于此,提出实施创新驱动战略、推进创新链与产业链融合发展,发挥数字赋能效应、深化数字技术与实体经济融合,因地制宜发展新质生产力、缓解区域发展不平衡等政策建议.

This paper constructs the evaluation index system of new quality productivity from the three elements of substance and the two characteristics of permeability,and scientifically measures its development level.This paper selects the inter-provincial panel data from 2011 to 2022,and uses dual-fixed model,mediating model,regulating model and spatial lag model to examine the direct mechanism,mediating mechanism,regulating mechanism and spatial spillover effect of new quality productivity on economic growth.The results show that:(1)the new quality productivity has a significant effect on promoting regional economic growth,and the central region is the most significant,followed by the eastern region;(2)the new quality productivity can play a mediating effect through the action path of factor agglomeration and promote the improvement of economic development level;(3)industrial structure upgrading can positively adjust the effect of new quality productivity on economic growth;(4)the development of new quality productivity has a significant spatial spillover effect on economic growth,which has a negative inhibition effect in the short term,but a positive promotion effect in the long term.Based on this,we put forward policy suggestions on implementing the innovation-driven strategy,promoting the integrated development of innovation chain and industrial chain,giving full play to the effect of digital empowerment,deepening the integration of digital technology and the real economy,developing new quality productivity according to local conditions,and alleviating regional development imbalances.


内蒙古师范大学 经济管理学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010028内蒙古师范大学 经济管理学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010028



new quality productivityeconomic growthfactor agglomerationindustrial structurespace overflow

《重庆理工大学学报》 2025 (2)



