

The current status,hotspots,and prospects of research on new quality productivity


新质生产力一经提出就受到学界的广泛关注.运用CiteSpace 及其他辅助软件,对中国知网(CNKI)数据库中以"新质生产力"为主题发表的 517 篇CSSCI文献进行分析发现:目前学界关于新质生产力的研究热度急剧攀升,预计发文量将持续高涨;研究力量的地理分布较为均衡,学科分布以经济学、管理学和马克思主义理论为主,核心科研机构间的合作关系有所增强;新质生产力的内涵特征、理论渊源、指标体系构建、发展水平测度、动力来源、培育路径及其赋能高质量发展成为当前研究的热点议题.推进后续研究的纵深发展,还需加强学科交叉研究,廓清新质生产力的概念边界,深挖相关历史经验,进一步完善新质生产力指标体系的构建,有针对地测度特定行业与地区内新质生产力的发展状况.

Since September 2023,General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the need to"accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces"and has gradually clarified the specific forms and roles of advanced productive forces in the path of building a modern socialist country in all respects.This call has spurred extensive discussions within the academic community regarding the emergence logic,intrinsic characteristics,practical pathways,and contemporary value of"new quality productive forces".Against this backdrop,many scholars have sought to analyze the current research status and future directions of this concept.As research in this area continues to gain momentum,a timely and systematic review of these studies is essential for understanding the latest trends and identifying key issues.By utilizing CiteSpace and other auxiliary software,this study analyzes 517 CSSCI-indexed papers which focus on"new quality productive forces"from the CNKI database.The analysis examines the distribution of publications by year,journal sources,key authors and their collaborations,major research institutions and their partnerships,highly cited literature,keyword co-occurrence and keyword clustering. Through analysis,the following can be found.Firstly,the domestic research on new quality productive forces has experienced a rapid surge in recent years.Secondly,the geographical distribution of the research is relatively balanced,the contributions spanning across northern and southern as well as eastern and western regions of China.This wide distribution demonstrates the nationwide importance of the topic and highlights the concerted efforts of scholars from diverse regions to advance its study.Thirdly,the analysis identifies a concentration of core researchers and institutions primarily within the fields of economics,management,and Marxist theory.These disciplines dominate the scholarly discourse,as they are most closely aligned with the theoretical foundations and practical implications of new quality productive forces.Furthermore,collaborations among core authors and institutions have increased,resulting in the formation of small-scale research networks.These collaborations enhance the depth and breadth of research and facilitate the development of more comprehensive perspectives.Fourthly,the analysis highlights several key research topics that dominate current discussions,which include the connotations and characteristics of new quality productive forces,their theoretical origins,the construction of indicator systems,methods for measuring development levels,the driving forces behind their emergence,pathways for their cultivation,and their role in enabling high quality development.In summary,the overall research presents a characteristic of collaborative progress between theoretical support and practical application.The discussion on hot issues such as utilizing new quality productive forces to promote high quality economic development,advancing rural construction,and achieving common prosperity responds to how to seize the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation and break through the current problems of unbalanced,uncoordinated,and unsustainable economic development,in the strategic context of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world.The empirical research represented by the measurement of the development level of new quality productivity has also grown,which explored the spatiotemporal evolution,regional differences,and obstacle factors of the development of new quality productivity in the country,provinces and cities,specific economic belts and specific industry fields.It also provides data support for studying the practical challenges and countermeasures to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity. Despite the significant progress in this field,there remain challenges and opportunities for the future research.To advance the study of new-quality productive forces,several priorities must be addressed.First of all,we should strengthen interdisciplinary research,encourage collaboration across disciplines to integrate diverse perspectives and methodologies.This interdisciplinary approach can make research more comprehensive and it is beneficial for knowledge innovation.In the second place,we should clarify conceptual boundaries and avoid excessive generalization.Overly broad definitions risk turning the term into an"umbrella"or"tent-like"concept that lacks analytical precision.After this,we should learn from international experiences,deep excavation the historical experience of various countries in empowering productive forces with science and technology and summarize the key issues that need to be paid attention to in the iterative period of new and old productive forces in the process of CPC,,such as understanding the social,economic,and technological factors that facilitate or hinder the adoption of new quality productive forces.Finally,we should refine indicator systems and measurement tools,develop targeted measurement indicators for specific industries and regions to evaluate the development of new and high quality productivity and provide decision-making references for policy makers and practitioners.


合肥工业大学 马克思主义学院,安徽 合肥 230009合肥工业大学 马克思主义学院,安徽 合肥 230009


new quality productivityhigh quality developmentinnovation drivenempirical measurementCiteSpace

《重庆理工大学学报》 2025 (2)



