On the Effectiveness of Narrative Criticism and Publicity of Rural-Themed Short Videos
In rural-themed short videos,narrative criticism is often characterized by reverse counter-use,constructive reshaping,or innovative recreation.From the perspective of narrative form,these videos have accomplished the task of transforming rural texts from readable to perceptible,moving rural areas from margins to the center,and shifting rural narrators from official voices to the general public.From the perspective of narrative core,these videos have reconstructed the main issues in rural cultural communication with three types of narratives:anti-prejudice,anti-vulgarity,and anti-homogeneity,thereby reflecting narrative justice.From the perspective of narrative objective,narrative criticism has undergone a logical evolution from narrative to publicity.By employing an effective publicity space,an empathetic publicity approach,a civilian publicity context,a proximate publicity technique,unique publicity aesthetics,and novel publicity styles,these videos propose a program for Chinese rural publicity in the new era,gradually establishing a vivid Chinese rural narrative system characteristic of integration of theory and practice.
合肥工业大学外国语学院,合肥 230601合肥工业大学外国语学院,合肥 230601
Chinese rural areasshort videosnarrative criticismrural publicity
《重庆科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025 (1)