Is Marx an"Uppercase Philosopher"?
In Post-Philosophical Culture,Rorty divides philosophy into lowercase philosophy and uppercase Philosophy.The former delves into the general interconnectedness of everything,while the latter questions the unchanging nature of normative concepts.In uppercase Philosophy,there are discrepancies between gods and giants on the question of what is truth,including the disputes between transcendental philosophy and empirical philosophy,Platonism and positivism.Rorty regarded Marx as an uppercase Philosopher and placed him in the school of empirical philosophy and positivism,criticizing him for his half-way opposition to God,driving out the god of God but welcoming the god of science,still advocating eternal things and once-and-for-all truths.This view ignores the illustration and interpretation of materialist dialectics in classical Marxism,the powerful criticism of enlightenment reason,the eternal truths of Dühring and Proudhon,and the eternal morality of Feuerbach.Different from Rorty's insistence on intertextuality and refusal to think about truths,Marxism especially emphasizes the role of political,economic,scientific and technological,and other social practice factors in promoting the formation of truth.
福建社会科学院文学所,福州 350001
Rortyuppercase Philosophyneo-pragmatismMarxmaterialist dialectics
《重庆科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025 (1)