Study on ion diffusion law of surface layer of bridge pier concrete in saline areas
为了研究盐碱区桥梁墩柱混凝土内离子的扩散规律,依据某工程盐碱区土体成分及桥梁墩柱混凝土腐蚀现状,开展桥梁墩柱混凝土在轴压荷载、冻融循环和盐侵蚀耦合作用下的室内快速腐蚀试验研究.测定了混凝土表层处分层Cl-及SO2-4 含量,并计算离子扩散系数,分析多因素耦合作用下离子在混凝土内部的宏观扩散规律,采用XRD衍射产物分析技术和SEM微观形貌观测技术,探讨多因素耦合作用下混凝土的微观性能演变规律,并验证离子宏观扩散规律的准确性.研究结果表明:随着耦合侵蚀时间的推移,Cl-和SO2-4 扩散系数呈幂函数型衰减;荷载的存在不会改变Cl-和SO2-4 的时变扩散规律,但具有荷载影响阈值,分别为0.3 fck和0.5 fck;SO2-4 对冻融循环下Cl-扩散的影响具有双重性,前期促进,后期抑制,荷载的存在会使"SO2-4 促进Cl-扩散"这一特性提早发挥;Cl-的存在会抑制冻融循环下SO2-4 的扩散.微观试验结果验证了离子扩散规律的准确性,多因素耦合作用下,硫酸盐的主要腐蚀产物为钙矾石,聚集于混凝土孔隙内,氯盐与水泥水化产物发生反应生成Friedel's盐,呈针细状附着于混凝土孔隙口;钙矾石及Friedel's盐在氯硫混合盐环境中会发生相互转换,结合溶度积理论,钙矾石比Friedel's盐更加稳定.研究结果为进一步研究盐碱区桥梁墩柱腐蚀机理、防护技术和提高桥梁使用寿命提供参考.
To study the diffusion law of ions in bridge pier concrete in saline area,laboratory accelerated corrosion tests of pier concrete under the combined action of axial compressive stress,freeze-thaw cycles,and salt attacks were conducted based on field investigations of the composition of saline soil and concrete corrosion of piers in a certain project.The contents of layered Cl-and S2-4 in the surface of concrete were measured.The diffusion coefficient of ions was calculated to analyze the macroscopic diffusion laws of ions in concrete under multifactorial impacts.Employing X-ray Diffraction(XRD)product analysis and Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM)techniques,the microstructural performance evolution of concrete under multifactorial coupling was further discussed.The accuracy of the macroscopic ion diffusion patterns was validated.The results show that the diffusion coefficients of Cl-and S2-4 decrease in power function with the process of coupling corrosion.The existence of load does not change the time-varying diffusion law of Cl-sand S2-4.However,there exists distinct thresholds of load influence,quantified as 0.3fck and 0.5fck,respectively.The effect of S2-4 on the diffusion of Cl-under freeze-thaw cycle is dual,which promotes in the early stage and restrains in the later stage.The existence of load will make the characteristic of'S2-4 promoting the diffusion of Cl-'show earlier.The existence of Cl-can restrain the diffusion of S2-4 under freeze-thaw cycles.The main corrosion product of sulfate is ettringite,which accumulates in the pores of concrete.The chloride salt reacts with the hydration product of cement to form Friedel's salt,which adheres to the pores of concrete in needle shape.Furthermore,ettringite and Friedel's salt may transform into each other in the mixed environment of chlorine and sulfur.Ettringite is more stable than Friedel's salt based on the solubility product theory.The research results can provide important references for further studying the corrosion mechanism,protection technology,and improving the service life of bridge in saline area.
温州理工学院 建筑与能源工程学院,浙江 温州 325000||长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安 710064||温州市韧性城市生命线工程智慧防护应急技术重点实验室,浙江 温州 325000长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安 710064温州理工学院 建筑与能源工程学院,浙江 温州 325000||温州市韧性城市生命线工程智慧防护应急技术重点实验室,浙江 温州 325000温州理工学院 建筑与能源工程学院,浙江 温州 325000||温州市韧性城市生命线工程智慧防护应急技术重点实验室,浙江 温州 325000
bridge pier-column concreteaxial compression loadfreeze-thaw cyclesalt corrosioncoupling testion diffusion
《铁道科学与工程学报》 2025 (1)