

High-Precision Microwave Photonic ISAR Imaging Method Based on Spatially Variant Doppler Parameter Clustering


微波光子雷达由于具备距离向的超大带宽和超高分辨能力,通过逆合成孔径雷达(Inverse Synthetic Ap-erture Radar,ISAR)成像能够带来舰船等重要目标更精细的信息,对于海上监视具有重要意义.然而在超高分辨特性下,目标转动导致的三维空变多普勒参数会造成图像的散焦,在二维回波域成像时必须要进行区域化的补偿处理,但现有方法无法实现自适应的区域化分割,要实现二维超高分辨成像难度很大.为了解决上述问题,本论文提出了一种基于空变多普勒参数聚类的微波光子ISAR高精度成像方法.首先,建立了微波光子ISAR舰船目标回波模型,导出了多普勒参数的三维空变特性,并分析了二维区域化补偿处理的必要性;然后,通过强散射点的分离、多普勒参数的自适应估计及插值等处理,建立了目标各散射点与二维多普勒参数之间的映射关系,并在二维多普勒参数域通过聚类处理,完成空变多普勒参数的自适应最优分割,为高精度的区域化补偿处理奠定了基础.最后,通过区域化非空变二维相位一致性补偿处理,实现了微波光子ISAR超高分辨成像.并通过仿真和实测数据处理,验证了本方法的有效性.

Due to its large bandwidth and high resolution in the range dimension,microwave photonic radar enables finer information extraction for important targets such as ships through inverse synthetic aperture radar(ISAR)imaging,which is crucial for maritime surveillance.However,under the ultra-high resolution characteristics,the three-dimensional spatially variant Doppler parameters caused by target rotation can lead to image defocusing.In two-dimensional echo do-main imaging,regional compensation processing is necessary,but existing methods cannot achieve adaptive regional seg-mentation,making it difficult to achieve two-dimensional ultra-high resolution imaging.To address these issues,this paper proposes a high-precision microwave photonic ISAR imaging method based on spatially variant Doppler parameter cluster-ing.Firstly,the echo model of microwave photonic ISAR ship target is established,and the three-dimensional spatial vari-ability characteristics of Doppler parameters are derived.The necessity of two-dimensional regional compensation process-ing is analyzed.Then,by separating strong scattering points,adaptive estimation and interpolation of Doppler parameters,a mapping relationship between each scattering point of the target and the two-dimensional Doppler parameter is established.Clustering processing in the two-dimensional Doppler parameter domain is performed to achieve adaptive optimal segmen-tation of spatially variant Doppler parameters,laying the foundation for high-precision regional compensation processing.Finally,regional non-spatially variant two-dimensional phase consistency compensation processing is carried out to achieve ultra-high resolution imaging of microwave photonic ISAR.The effectiveness of this method is validated through simula-tion and experimental data processing.


电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院,四川 成都 611731电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院,四川 成都 611731电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院,四川 成都 611731电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院,四川 成都 611731空军预警学院,湖北 武汉 430019空军预警学院,湖北 武汉 430019电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院,四川 成都 611731



microwave photonic radarinverse synthetic aperture radar(ISAR)ship imagingthree-dimensional spa-tial variabilityDoppler parameter clustering

《电子学报》 2024 (12)


国家自然科学基金(No.62171084) National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.62171084)

