Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Terahertz Communications Based on Array Sliding Window and Beam Routing
针对智能反射面(Intelligent Reflective Surface,IRS)辅助多用户太赫兹(TeraHertz,THz)通信,用户间干扰导致系统和速率下降的问题,提出一种将滑动窗口与IRS结合辅助太赫兹通信的方案.首先,基于IRS形成和活跃用户数相同的阵列滑窗并与活跃用户一一关联.然后,通过引入路由理论后数学表示出滑窗与对应辅助活跃用户间的信道和速率,推导出最优主被动波束形成,并将波束形成问题等价为图优化问题.最后,在用户最小速率和基站总发射功率的约束条件下,采用交替优化算法,优化滑窗参数实现系统和速率最大化.仿真结果表明,在信道条件相同的情况下,本文方案的系统和速率相对于常规单IRS辅助多用户通信可以提升5 bps/Hz.
Considering the system sum rate decrease resulting from inter-user interference in the intelligent reflective surface(IRS)-assisted multi-user terahertz(THz)communications,a scheme combining sliding window and IRS is pro-posed to assist THz communications.Firstly,an array sliding window with an equal number of active users is constructed and connected to each active user in a one-to-one manner.Secondly,the mathematical expressions of the channel and rate provided by the sliding window to its corresponding associated active user are defined based on routing theory to derive the optimal active-passive beamforming and reformulate the beamforming problem into an equivalent graph optimization prob-lem.Finally,given the constraints of the minimum user rate and total base station transmission power,alternating optimiza-tion algorithm is introduced to optimize sliding window parameters and maximize the system sum rate.Simulation results show that in the same channel scenarios,the system sum rate of our proposed scheme is increased by 5 bps/Hz compared to the conventional single IRS-assisted multi-user communications.
重庆邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,重庆 400065重庆邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,重庆 400065维沃移动通信有限公司,广东 东莞 518049
intelligent reflecting surfacesliding windowterahertzbeamforming
《电子学报》 2024 (12)
国家自然科学基金(No.62202077) National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.62202077)