

Non-electric Communication for Power Measurement Based on Encrypted Two-dimensional Codes


安全性是电力计量物联网必须要解决的关键核心问题.为使存储于公有云的外网数据和存储于私有云的内网数据完全隔离,实现由外网到内网的单向通信,提出了一种基于加密二维码的非电通信方法.该方法在外网侧利用彩色显示器生成包含计量送检信息的彩色二维码,在内网侧使用摄像头检测彩色二维码信息,使得外网数据只能单向传输至内网且内、外网之间无任何电气连接.同时为了提高安全性,该方法采用了颜色/信息混合加密方法,利用SM4算法对原始送检信息进行信息加密,进而生成单色二维码,然后利用彩色显示器色域丰富的特点,对生成的单色二维码利用不同颜色进行基于混沌的二次加密.实验表明,该方法在采用双重加密保障安全性的前提下,具有100%的加、解密正确率,同时不大于0.058 7 s的平均加、解密时间实现了准实时的数据传输,能够满足电力计量物联网在传输速率、安全性和可靠性等方面的要求.

Security is a critical concern that must be addressed in the context of the electric power metering internet of things(IoT).In order to achieve complete isolation between data stored in the public cloud(external network)and data stored in the private cloud(internal network),while enabling unidirectional communication from the external network to the internal network,a non-electric communication method based on encrypted QR codes was proposed.The method involved the generation of colored QR codes containing metering inspection information on the external network side.Data from the external network was transmitted unidirectionally to the internal network via these colored QR codes,with no electrical connection between the internal and external networks.To enhance security,a color/information hybrid encryption method was employed.The original inspection information was encrypted using the SM4 algorithm to generate monochrome QR codes.Subsequently,the monochrome QR codes were further encrypted using different colors by DNA and chaos,leveraging the rich color gamut of the display monitor.Experimental results demonstrate 100%accuracy in encryption and decryption,encryption and decryption computational speeds of less than 0.058 7 s,and linearly increasing time consumption.This method exhibits high accuracy and speed,meeting the requirements of electric power metering IoT systems in terms of transmission rate,security and reliability.


内蒙古电力科学研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020内蒙古电力科学研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020内蒙古电力科学研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020内蒙古电力科学研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020内蒙古电力科学研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020内蒙古电力科学研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020



power measurementinternet of things(IoT)two-dimensional codeencryptionnon-electronic communication

《电气传动》 2025 (2)



