

Effects of Different Dopants on Wave-Absorbing Properties of Cement-Based Composites


向水泥中掺入合适的吸波剂并进行适当的电磁改性是实现电磁波吸收的有效途径.本文以矿渣、石墨、铁氧体为吸波剂制备水泥基复合材料,通过力学性能测试、微观结构测试、反射率测试探究不同掺合料和试样厚度对复合材料吸波性能和力学性能的影响.结果表明:当矿渣掺量为30%(质量分数)、石墨掺量为5%(质量分数)时,复合材料的吸波性能最好,且存在最佳匹配层厚度,当厚度为36 mm时,复合材料在2.65 GHz处反射率为-40.84 dB;当矿渣掺量为30%、铁氧体掺量为10%(质量分数)、匹配层厚度为36 mm时,复合材料在2.53 GHz处有最低反射率,为-26.63 dB;矿渣和铁氧体均会降低复合材料的强度,石墨(掺量不超过5%时)在水泥水化早期能够填充在砂浆孔隙中,从而提高了水泥基复合吸波材料早期的力学性能.

Incorporating suitable wave-absorbing agents into cement and performing appropriate electromagnetic modification is an effective way to realize electromagnetic wave-absorbing.In this paper,cement-based composites were prepared with slag,graphite and ferrite as wave-absorbing agents,and mechanical property test,microstructure test and reflectance test were carried out to investigate the effects of different dopants and sample thickness on the wave-absorbing properties and mechanical properties of cement-based composites.The results show that the cement-based composites have the best wave-absorbing performance when the doping of slag is 30%(mass fraction)and graphite is 5%(mass fraction),and there exists the best matching layer thickness.The reflection loss is-40.84 dB at 2.65 GHz when the thickness is 36 mm.When the cement-based composite is composed of 30%slag,10%(mass fraction)ferrite,and the matching layer thickness is 36 mm,the cement-based composites have the lowest reflectivity of-26.63 dB at 2.53 GHz.Both slag and ferrite reduce the strength of cement-based composites,and graphite(no more than 5%)is able to fill in mortar pores at the early stage of cement hydration,which enhances early mechanical properties.


云南大学建筑与规划学院,昆明 650500云南大学建筑与规划学院,昆明 650500||昆明军龙岩土工程有限公司,昆明 650214云南大学建筑与规划学院,昆明 650500云南大学建筑与规划学院,昆明 650500云南大学建筑与规划学院,昆明 650500云南大学建筑与规划学院,昆明 650500



cement-based compositeslaggraphiteferritemechanical propertyabsorbing property

《硅酸盐通报》 2025 (1)



