Layered hybrid visible light communication system based on OOK and ACO-OFDM
To improve the spectral efficiency of the system and solve the problem of single signal mode in traditional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM)systems,a layered hybrid visible light communication system based on binary on-off keying(OOK)and adaptive constellation optimization(ACO-OFDM)is designed.The transmitting end of the system uses OOK signals to limit the OFDM signal,generating ACO-OFDM and non adaptive constellation optimization(NACO)-OFDM signals.Add the OOK signal as a direct current(DC)bias to the NACO-OFDM signal to ensure that the output is a unipolar real signal.The receiving end adopts signal reconstruction technology,omitting the noise estimation step and reducing the receiving com-plexity to about 1/5 of traditional receivers.The simulation results show that the system can effectively demodulate OFDM and OOK signals,and at the maximum transmission layer,its spectral efficiency is about twice that of conventional single-layer sys-tems.
天津理工大学集成电路工程学院,天津 300384天津理工大学集成电路工程学院,天津 300384天津理工大学集成电路工程学院,天津 300384陆军装甲部队学院,北京 100072天津理工大学集成电路工程学院,天津 300384天津理工大学集成电路工程学院,天津 300384
binary on-off keyingadaptive constellation optimization-orthogonal frequency division multiplexingvisible light communication systemintensity modulation/direct detection
《光通信技术》 2025 (1)