Propagation Mode Classification for Streamers in Transformer Oil Based on Luminous and Structural Characteristics of Discharge Channels
强电场作用下变压器油中流注会在特定阈值电压处获得阶跃式发展,并诱发变压器实际运行中大间距油隙的绝缘失效.然而目前常用的"4类模式"分类方法仅能够反映流注放电发生突变时平均发展速度的改变程度,无法对具有不同理化特性的变压器油中流注突变规律与机理做出有效区分.文中以变压器中常见的气制石蜡基油和天然酯为研究对象,在标准雷电冲击电压下对25 mm针—板电极结构中的流注放电形态和伴生光电信号进行了测量.在考虑流注放电平均发展速度这一传统参数的基础上,引入放电分形维数和光电信号幅值两类特征分量,对流注放电发展进行三维聚类分析.研究结果表明,相比于"4类模式"分类方法,改进后的流注传播模式分类对同为慢流注的1、2类流注放电,以及同为快流注的3、4类流注放电具有更明显的区分效果.并且加深理解了电压改变时流注放电形态的变化规律和变化诱因的影响机制以及流注模式跃迁现象.
Under the action of strong electric field,the streamers in transformer oil can get step development at a spe-cific threshold voltage and induce insulation failure in the large oil gap in the actual operation of transformer.Howev-er,the presently used common'4 modes'classification method can only reflect the variation extent of average devel-opment speed in case of abrupt variation of the streamer discharge,but cannot effectively distinguish the abrupt varia-tion pattern and mechanism of streamers in transformer oil with different physical and chemical characteristics.In this paper,the gas paraffin oil and natural ester commonly used in transformers is used as the study object,the streamer discharge pattern and the accompanying photoelectric signal in a 25 mm point-plane electrode structure are measured under the standard lightning impulse voltage.Based on the consideration of traditional parameter of the av-erage development speed of the streamer discharge,such two types of characteristic components as the fractal dimen-sion of discharge and amplitude of photoelectric signal are introduced to perform a three-dimensional clustering anal-ysis of the streamer discharge development.The study results show that the improved classification of the streamer propagation mode,compared with the'4 types of mode'classification method,has more obvious effect on the differ-entiation of the 1st and 2nd mode slow streamers and the 3rd and 4th mode fast streamers.Furthermore,the under-standing of the variation of the streamer discharge pattern in case of voltage variation and the influence mechanism of the variation trigger as well as the streamer pattern jump phenomenon are strengthened.
上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海 200090上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海 200090上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海 200090上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海 200090上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海 200090
transformer oilstreamer dischargemulti-fractalelectron-optical characteristicpropagation mode
《高压电器》 2025 (2)
国家自然科学基金资助项目(51707113).Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(51707113).