

Study on Simulation Modeling of Symmetrical Dual-core Phase Shifting Transformer Considering Equivalent Impedance


随着新能源渗透率的不断提高,配电网合环不停电转供逐渐成为研究热点,移相变压器(phase shifting transformer,PST)作为重要的潮流调节手段受到广泛关注.在现有对PST的建模与计算方法中,往往忽略等效阻抗对移相效果的影响,导致在某些情况下的分析结果与实际情况存在偏差,影响系统安全稳定运行.为此,文中考虑了移相变压器功能的多样性以及结构的多变性,计及等效阻抗产生的电压降,建立了考虑等效阻抗影响的双芯对称型移相变压器模型,并且推导出相应的潮流计算模型,使得理论分析的结果更加准确.最后在PSDEdit中建立了仿真系统模型,结果表明PST的数学模型中是否考虑等效阻抗对稳态环境下线路传输有功功率以及暂态过程中系统受冲击程度的相关计算结果影响较大,考虑等效阻抗影响更有利于提高分析结果的准确性.

With the continuous improvement of new energy permeability,loop switching in distribution network is be-coming a hot topic of study,and phase shifting transformer(PST)is widely concerned as an important means of power flow regulation.In the existing modeling and calculation methods to PST,the effect of the equivalent impedance on the phase shift effect is often ignored,which,in some cases,leads to the deviation between the analysis results and the actual situation and affects safe and stable operation of system.On this basis,in this paper a dual-core symmetri-cal phase-shifting transformer model considering the influence of equivalent impedance is set up by way of consider-ing the diversity of functions and the variability of structure of phase-shifting transformer together with the voltage drop generated by equivalent impedance.The corresponding power flow calculation model is derived,which makes the theoretical analysis results more accurate.Finally,a simulation system model is set up in PSDEdit.The results show that whether the equivalent impedance is considered in the mathematical model of PST has a great influence on the calculation results of the active power transmitted by the line in the steady-state environment and the impact de-gree of the system in the transient process.Consideration of the effect of the equivalent impedance is more conducive to improve the accuracy of the analysis results.


国网河北省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,石家庄 050000国网河北省电力有限公司石家庄供电分公司,石家庄 050000国网河北省电力有限公司石家庄供电分公司,石家庄 050000燕山大学电力电子节能与传动控制河北省重点实验室,河北 秦皇岛 066004燕山大学电力电子节能与传动控制河北省重点实验室,河北 秦皇岛 066004燕山大学电力电子节能与传动控制河北省重点实验室,河北 秦皇岛 066004


dual-core symmetrical phase shift transformerequivalent impedancepower flow controlclosed loop transfer

《高压电器》 2025 (2)


国网河北省电力有限公司科技项目(kj2022-016). Project Supported by Science and Technology Project of State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company(kj2022-016).

