

Comparison of the Structure and Performance of Fuel-resistant High-end Copolyformaldehyde


文章综合对比了耐燃油级高端共聚甲醛MC90-DR和通用级聚甲醛MC90的结构及性能差异.通过对比两种聚甲醛的球晶照片和DSC曲线,分析了 MC90-DR的球晶大小以及结晶性能的不同.通过TG分析,研究了两种聚甲醛的热稳定性能.通过力学性能的测试,对比了两种聚甲醛强度和模量的变化.还对比分析了两种聚甲醛游离甲醛含量、不稳定端基含量、熔融指数以及灰分的差异.在耐酸和耐燃油性能测试中,MC90-DR均具有更为优异的表现.通过颜色空间L*a*b的测试,分析了两种聚甲醛的色相差异.高端耐燃油级聚甲醛产品可以显著提高聚甲醛制件对燃油或酸等外部严酷环境的耐受性,满足汽车燃油系统的需求.

This article comprehensively compares the performance differences between fuel-resistant high-end POM(MC90-DR)and general-purpose grade POM(MC90).The differences in spherical crystal size as well as crystalline properties of MC90-DR were analyzed by comparing the spherical crystal photographs and DSC curves.In the TG curves,the thermal stability properties of POM were investigated.The changes in strength and modulus of POM were compared by mechanical property tests.The differences in free formaldehyde content,unstable end-group content,melt index,and ash content of POM were also comparatively analyzed.In both the acid and fuel resistance tests,MC90-DR has a much better performance.The colour space L*a*b test was used to analyze the difference in the hue of POM.Fuel-resistant grade high-end POM can significantly improve the resistance of POM parts to harsh external environments,such as fuel or acid,to meet the needs of automotive fuel systems.


国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司甲醇分公司,宁夏银川 750411国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司甲醇分公司,宁夏银川 750411国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司甲醇分公司,宁夏银川 750411国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司甲醇分公司,宁夏银川 750411高分子材料工程国家重点实验室,四川大学高分子研究所,四川成都 610065高分子材料工程国家重点实验室,四川大学高分子研究所,四川成都 610065



POMacid resistancefuel resistancethermal stablity

《合成材料老化与应用》 2024 (6)

