

Study on dynamic evolution law of microseism in upper layered mining anticline structure area



In the mining process of coal mine working face,the emergence of anticline and syncline structure can easily affect the safety of working face.Based on the microseism monitoring data of No.16091 Face in Zhaogu No.1 Coal Mine,the spatial-temporal and energy dynamic evolution characteristics of the three stages of the early,middle and late stages of the anticline were summarized.The research showed that the frequency of microseism events presented a W-shaped trend when the upper layer mining met the anticline structure.The proportion of roof and floor changes obviously.After the mining was pushed to the middle position of the anticline axis,the proportion of roof events was large.In the process of anticline passing through,the distribution of floor events was transformed from'single peak skewness'distribution to'single branch hyperbolic'distribution;the density of floor events was large in the early stage of passing through anticline,the depth of floor disturbance was deeper than that in other stages,the energy index was high,the corresponding water inflow was high,and the phenomenon of'front section danger'was presented.Combined with microseism and water level observation,forewarning work was done to ensure the safety of mining face.


河北煤炭科学研究院有限公司,河北邢台 054000||矿井水害探测与防控国家矿山安全监察局重点实验室,河北邢台 054000||河北省矿井微震重点实验室,河北邢台 054000河北煤炭科学研究院有限公司,河北邢台 054000||国家能源充填采煤技术重点实验室,河北邢台 054000||河北充填采矿技术有限公司,河北邢台 054000河北煤炭科学研究院有限公司,河北邢台 054000||矿井水害探测与防控国家矿山安全监察局重点实验室,河北邢台 054000河北煤炭科学研究院有限公司,河北邢台 054000||矿井水害探测与防控国家矿山安全监察局重点实验室,河北邢台 054000||河北省矿井微震重点实验室,河北邢台 054000



anticlinemicroseismic monitoringfloor disturbance depthforepart danger

《煤炭与化工》 2025 (1)



