Development characteristics and potential tapping strategies of fractured reef limestone reservoirs:a case study of L Oilfield in eastern South China Sea
为提高南海东部L油田裂缝性礁灰岩油藏开发效果,以油藏开发实践为基础,通过动态分析、数值模拟等手段,研究油藏开发特征、剩余油分布规律,并提出挖潜策略.结果表明,生产井含水上升及产量递减呈现先快后慢两段式变化规律,第一阶段油井含水率在短时间内即达到90%,年递减率超25%,第二阶段油井在较长时间内维持在特高含水期生产,年递减率小于10%,是主要的产量贡献阶段;影响单井开发效果的主要地质因素是裂缝发育程度、下部致密层发育程度以及油柱高度;水驱动用模式为底水沿裂缝系统迅速窜入生产井、基质系统由于非均质性强造成不规则动用,单井泄油半径小,剩余油主要分布在井间;同时针对性地提出了加密挖潜和双重控水策略,实钻加密井生产效果好,且控水后降低油井初期含水率超20%,提高增油量超5×104 m3.研究成果经现场开发实践取得了较好效果,可供同类油藏开发借鉴.
To improve the development efficiency of fractured reef limestone reservoirs in the L oilfield in eastern South China Sea,based on reservoir development practice,dynamic analysis and numerical simula-tion are used to study the development characteristics,the distribution law of remaining oil,and potential tapping strategies.The results show that the increase in water content and the decrease in production of oil well exhibit a two-stage pattern of first fast and then slow.In the first stage,the water content of the oil well reaches 90%in a short period of time,with an annual decline rate exceeding 25%.In the second stage,the oil well maintains production at an ultra-high water content period for a long time,with an an-nual decline rate of less than 10%,which is the main production contribution stage.The main geological factors affecting the development effect of the oil well are the degree of fracture development,the degree of development of the lower dense layer,and the height of the oil column.The water drive utilization mode in-volves the rapid influx of bottom water along the fracture system into the production well,and the irregular utilization of the matrix system due to strong heterogeneity.The oil drainage radius of the oil well is small,and the remaining oil is mainly distributed between wells.Targeted strategies such as encrypted tapping and dual water control have been proposed.The actual production effect of infiltrating wells is good,and after controlling water,the initial water content of the oil well is reduced by more than 20%,increasing the oil production by more than 50 000 cubic meters.The on-site development practice of oil fields has achieved good results,which can be used as a reference for the development of similar oil reservoirs.
中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司,广东 深圳 518067中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司,广东 深圳 518067中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司,广东 深圳 518067中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司,广东 深圳 518067中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司,广东 深圳 518067
reef limestone oilfieldfracturedevelopment characteristicsencrypting and tapping potentialdual water control
《石油地质与工程》 2025 (1)