Study on characteristics of long-period section of response spectra in code for seismic design of buildings
随着对地震动特性研究的不断深入,长周期地震动对长周期(自振周期6~10s)建筑结构的不利影响已引起广泛关注.然而,现行建筑抗震设计规范对长周期地震动的考虑存在不足,设计反应谱长周期段的合理性仍需借助大量含长周期分量的地震动数据加以验证.因此,以GB50011-2010《建筑抗震设计规范》反应谱为基础,结合天然长周期地震动统计特性,进行天然地震动反应谱与抗震设计反应谱的对比分析,结果表明:设计反应谱存在长周期段取值明显偏大、速度谱及位移谱在长周期段形状与实际地震动的统计特性有差异等问题.为此,将上海地区设计反应谱的结构自振周期由6s扩展至10 s,可以涵盖更长自振周期的结构,而隔震设计反应谱将下降段由曲线与直线相结合改为全部曲线,可以更好符合实际地震动的统计特性.算例分析结果同样表明,以设计反应谱为依据得到的长周期结构响应规律均与设计反应谱谱值的大小规律一致,证明提出更加准确的长周期设计反应谱对长周期建筑结构抗震设计至关重要.
With continuous studies on the characteristics of ground motions,the adverse effects of long-period ground motions on long-period building structures have attracted widespread attention.However,there is still a dearth of considerations for long-period ground motions in current design codes,and the rationality of design response spectra in the long-period section needs to be validated using a large number of ground motions with long-period components.Therefore,standing on the current design response spectra and the statistical characteristics of natural long-period ground motions,a comparative analysis was conducted between the response spectra of natural ground motions and design response spectra.The results show that,in the long-period section,the spectral values of current design response spectra are obviously larger,and the shapes of velocity and displacement spectra are different from the statistical characteristics of natural ground motions.It is found that the Shanghai design response spectra extend the end period point from 6 to 10 s,which can cover longer-period structures,and the seismic isolation design response spectra change the shape of the descending section from a combination of curve and line to an entire curve,which is more in line with the characteristics of natural ground motions.The case study results show that the long-period structural responses based on design response spectra are consistent with the spectral values with different seismic fortifications,proving again that proposing a more accurate long-period design response spectra are critical for seismic design of long-period building structures.
同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室,上海 200092同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室,上海 200092中国建筑科学研究院有限公司,北京 100013同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室,上海 200092
long-period ground motionlong-period structuredesign response spectrumstructural responseseismic design
《建筑结构学报》 2025 (1)