Study on tensile performance of connections of CLT-concrete composite floor after fire exposure
为研究正交胶合木-混凝土组合楼板连接节点的受火后受拉性能,设计并制作了 12组(共36个)正交胶合木-混凝土组合楼板连接节点,分别进行常温下加载试验和受火后加载试验.试验参数包括节点类型、自攻螺钉布置方式、几何尺寸和受火时间等.结果表明:受火后加载时连接节点类型对其破坏模式影响较大,其中胶黏剂连接节点的破坏模式为混凝土受拉破坏,自攻螺钉连接节点的破坏模式为自攻螺钉从正交胶合木板中被拔出;胶黏剂连接节点的非线性变形能力较差,自攻螺钉连接节点的非线性变形能力相对较好;自攻螺钉沿90°方向钻入正交胶合木的节点受拉承载力退化最为明显;受火90 min时,节点受拉承载力的最大降幅可达74.1%;受火30 min对应的炭化速率明显高于GB 50005-2017《木结构设计标准》中规定的名义线性炭化速率,而受火60 min和90 min对应的炭化速率与该名义线性炭化速率则接近.同时,开展了正交胶合木-混凝土组合楼板连接节点受火后受拉性能的有限元模拟分析,有限元模型可以反映自攻螺钉连接节点的破坏模式,且针对节点抗拉承载力的预测误差均值为5.8%,符合工程精度要求.
To investigate the tensile performance of connections in cross laminated timber(CLT)-concrete composite floor after fire exposure,twelve groups of connections(totally 36 replicates)of CLT-concrete composite floor were designed and tested at normal temperature and after fire exposure.Test variables included connection type,self-tapping screw configuration,geometry,fire exposure time,etc.Test results indicate that connection type plays an important role in the failure modes,concrete tensile failure occurs on the bonded specimens,withdrawal failure of the self-tapping screws occurs at the self-tapping screw connections.The nonlinearity of the curves of the bonded specimens is low,while such nonlinearity of the self-tapping screw specimens is relatively higher.The tensile ultimate capacity of the specimens with self-tapping screws drilled into CLT along the 90° direction exhibits the most significant degradation.After being exposed to fire for 90 minutes,the maximum drop of the tensile bearing capacity of the connection can be up to 74.1%.The charring rate of the CLT after fire exposure for 30 min is notably higher than the nominal linear charring rate of timber prescribed by GB 50005-2017'Standard for design of timber structures',while the charring rates of the CLT after fire exposure for 60 min and 90 min are close to the prescribed nominal linear charring rate.Meanwhile,FEM analysis of tensile performance of connections in CLT-concrete composite floor after fire exposure was conducted.The FEM model can reflect the failure modes of the self-tapping screw specimens,and the averaged modelling error of the tensile ultimate capacity of specimens is 5.8%,which can meet the engineering accuracy.
上海市建筑科学研究院有限公司上海市工程结构安全重点实验室,上海 200032上海市建筑科学研究院有限公司上海市工程结构安全重点实验室,上海 200032上海市建筑科学研究院有限公司上海市工程结构安全重点实验室,上海 200032上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海 200240上海市建筑科学研究院有限公司上海市工程结构安全重点实验室,上海 200032上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海 200240
CLT-concrete composite floorconnection typeafter firestatic testtensile performance
《建筑结构学报》 2025 (2)