

Experimental study on static performance of circular steel-concrete composite beam-slab


为研究钢梁呈放射状布置的圆形钢-混凝土组合梁板(简称"组合梁板")的静力性能,开展了 4根简支组合梁板的中心单点静力加载试验.以钢梁数量和中心节点构造为变化参数,研究组合梁板的破坏模式、荷载-位移曲线、混凝土板和钢梁应变分布等.结果表明:在单点加载下,组合梁板经历了弹性阶段、弹塑性阶段、塑性发展阶段和阶梯式破坏阶段,呈弯曲破坏特征,主要破坏模式包括钢梁下翼缘焊缝拉裂和混凝土板主裂缝贯通;结构承载力较高,极限荷载为565.8~1 338.4 kN;延性较好,位移延性系数为4.12~8.69,极限挠跨比为1/71~1/35;结构安全冗余度较高,单个钢梁发生下翼缘拉裂并未导致承载力显著下降;中心节点不是受力薄弱部位;随着钢梁数量增多,钢梁对混凝土约束效应增强,钢梁下翼缘最大应力位置沿梁轴向由中心向支座偏移.提出了圆形钢-混凝土组合梁板结构的屈服、极限荷载计算公式,其计算结果与试验结果拟合良好.

In order to study the static performance of circular steel-concrete composite beam-slab with radial steel beams,the center single-point static loading tests of four simply supported specimens were conducted.The variation parameters were the number of beams and the configuration of center node.The failure modes,load-displacement curves,strain distribution of concrete slabs and steel beams were studied.The results show that under the single-point loading,the specimens go through elastic stage,elastoplastic stage,plastic development stage and stepped failure stage,and present the characteristics of bending failure.The main failure modes include tension cracking of the weld of lower flanges of steel beams and penetration of the main cracks of concrete slabs.The structures have high bearing capacity and good ductility,with the ultimate loads between 565.8 kN and 1 338.4 kN and displacement ductility coefficients between 4.12 and 8.69,and the limit flexural span ratios are between 1/71 and 1/35.The safety redundancy is high because the tension cracking of one steel beam does not lead to a significant decrease in bearing capacity.The center nodes are not weak part.With the increase in the number of beams,the restraint of steel beams on concrete is enhanced,and the maximum stress positions of lower flanges are shifted along the beams from center to supports.The formulas for calculating the yield and ultimate loads of circular steel-concrete composite beam-slab structures were proposed,and the calculation results agree well with experimental results.


广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司,广东 广州 510010清华大学土木工程系,北京 100084广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司,广东 广州 510010清华大学土木工程系,北京 100084北京航空航天大学土木工程系,北京 100191



circular steel-concrete composite beam-slabintersecting node of steel beamsmultiple steel beamsstatic loading testmechanical propertydesign method

《建筑结构学报》 2025 (2)



