Visual Analysis of Literature in the Field of Temporomandibular Disorders in China Based on CiteSpace
目的 基于Citespace软件,对我国TMD领域发展过程的研究热点和核心内容进行梳理,细致地了解我国颞下颌关节综合紊乱征(temporo-mandibular disorders,TMD)相关领域的研究演变过程,明晰其发展时间线.方法 以中国知网为数据库来源,通过 CiteSpace 6.1R6,完成关键词共现、关键词聚类突现、时间线知识图谱绘制等,对在国内发表的TMD相关文献进行回顾性分析.结果 统计了 2 034 篇与TMD相关的国内文献,通过数据分析得到发展特点:TMD的治疗方式由中西医结合发展为西医占主导地位,研究人群由特殊人群发展趋向普遍人群,关注热点由TMD本身转变为TMD的关联与并发疾病,研究范围持续扩大.结论 TMD疾病的文献领域的发展经历了 3 个不同的时期,国内TMD研究领域热点产生了大幅的转变;TMD的疾病知识普及率不高,有待进一步面向社会大众进行宣教.
Obejective Based on the Citespace software,this study aims to comb the research hotspots and core contents of the development process of the TMD field in China,and carefully understand the research evolution process of the Temporo-mandibular Disorders(TMD)related fields in China,clarify its development timeline.Methods Using CNKI as the database source,through CiteSpace 6.1R6,we completed keyword co-occurrence,keyword clustering and emergence,and timeline knowledge mapping,and conducted a retrospective analysis of TMD-related literature published in China.Results A total of 2,034 domestic articles related to TMD were counted,and the development characteristics were obtained through data analysis:the treatment methods of TMD had evolved from combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine to Western medicine taking the dominant position,the research population had evolved from special populations to the general population,the focus had shifted from TMD itself to TMD-related and concurrent diseases,and the scope of research had continued to expand.Conclusions The development of literature on TMD disease has gone through three different periods,and there has been a significant shift in the research hotspots of TMD in China.The popularization rate of disease knowledge in TMD is not high,and further education needs to be provided to the general public.
云南大学附属医院口腔医学中心,云南 昆明 650021云南大学民族学与社会学学院社会工作系,云南 昆明 650091云南大学民族学与社会学学院社会工作系,云南 昆明 650091云南大学附属医院口腔医学中心,云南 昆明 650021上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔外科,上海 200011
Temporomandibular joint disordersVisual analysisResearch hot spotsDevelopment trends
《昆明医科大学学报》 2025 (2)