

The chemical structure change of anthracite under different acidification conditions


为探究酸化条件下煤的官能团、化学结构参数的变化特征,以贵州矿区林华煤矿无烟煤为研究对象,开展了不同酸化条件下煤样的红外光谱实验.研究表明:酸化后煤样中芳香结构和含氧官能团的相对含量显著升高,羟基结构的相对含量整体增加,但各官能团相对含量达到峰值的条件各异;当质量分数为 6%时,实验煤样芳香结构、含氧官能团的相对含量峰值分别出现在酸化时间为6 h和12 h;实验煤样羟基结构的相对含量在质量分数为9%和酸化时间为12 h时达到最大;实验煤样中脂肪结构的相对含量随酸化时间持续,呈现出先高于未酸化煤样再降至其值之下的趋势;酸化后实验煤样的含氧官能团和羟基结构的相对含量之和显著增加,脂肪结构的相对含量呈小幅度波动,酸化后煤样的亲瓦斯能力减弱;酸化作用导致实验煤样的芳香体系缩合程度不断加强、芳香排列逐渐有序化.

To explore the variation characteristics of functional groups and chemical structure parameters of coal under acidification,taking the anthracite of Linhua Coal Mine in Guizhou mining area as the research object,the infrared spectrum experiments of coal samples under different acidification conditions were carried out.The results show that the relative content of aromatic structure and oxygen-containing functional groups in coal samples increases significantly after acidification,and the relative content of hydroxyl structure increases as a whole,but the conditions for the relative content of each functional group to reach the peak are different.When the mass fraction of HF is 6%,the relative content peaks of aromatic structure and oxygen-containing functional groups of the experimental coal samples appear at the acidification time of 6 h and 12 h,respectively.The relative content of the hydroxyl struc-ture of the experimental coal sample reaches the maximum when the HF mass fraction is 9% and the acidification time is 12 h.The relative content of fat structure in the experimental coal sample with time shows a trend of first increasing and then continuously de-creasing until it is lower than that of the unacidified coal sample;after acidification,the sum of the relative contents of oxygen-con-taining functional groups and hydroxyl structures of the experimental coal samples increased significantly,and the relative content of the aliphatic structure fluctuated slightly.The gas affinity of the coal samples decreased after acidification.Acidification led to the condensation degree of the aromatic system of the experimental coal samples continuously strengthened and the aromatic arrange-ment gradually ordered.


贵州大学 矿业学院,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州大学 矿业学院,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州林华矿业有限公司,贵州 金沙 551800喀斯特地质资源与环境教育部重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550025



anthraciteacidification modificationfunctional groupchemical structureaffinity for methane

《煤矿安全》 2025 (2)



