Study on the influence of surfactant on wettability and gas desorption properties of coal
为研究表面活性剂对煤的润湿性及瓦斯解吸性能的影响规律,分析了 6 种表面活性剂溶液对6 种不同变质程度煤样的润湿特性;利用煤的瓦斯吸附/解吸后置注水试验装置,探究了表面活性剂对煤中瓦斯解吸的抑制作用.结果表明:随着挥发分的增加,不同质量分数溶液在煤表面的接触角均呈现倒"U"形变化趋势,同时相同条件下的顺丁烯二酸二仲辛酯磺酸钠(快T)、脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚(AEO-9)、椰子油脂肪酸二乙醇酰胺(6501)溶液在煤样表面的接触角更小,说明三者对不同煤样的润湿性能更好;随着表面活性剂溶液质量分数的增加,铺展系数呈正相关变化而黏附张力呈负相关变化,这与添加表面活性剂改变水分子在煤表面的润湿铺展效果和黏附作用有关;煤中瓦斯气体初始解吸量、极限解吸量均与溶液质量分数具有良好的负指数关系,反映出表面活性剂溶液对煤中瓦斯解吸能力的显著弱化效应,分析认为这主要与溶液对煤的润湿增强作用、溶液对煤微孔裂隙的毛细阻力作用以及煤吸附水引起膨胀变形对孔隙的压缩作用有关.
In order to study the influence law of surfactants on the wettability and gas desorption performance of coal,the wetting characteristics of six surfactant solutions on six different coal samples with different metamorphic degrees were analyzed;the inhibi-tion effect of surfactants on gas desorption in coal was studied by using water injection test equipment after gas adsorption/desorp-tion.The results showed that:with the increase of volatiles,the contact angles of the solutions with different mass fractions on the coal surface all show an inverse U-shaped trend,and the contact angles of sodium diethylhexyl solfosuccinate(rapid penetrant T),primary alcobol ethoxylate(AEPO-9)and coconutt diethanol amide(6501)solutions on the coal surface under the same conditions are smaller,indicating that the three solutions have better wettability for different coal samples.With the increase of the mass frac-tion of surfactant solution,the spreading coefficient is positively correlated and the adhesion tension is negatively correlated,which is related to the wetting spreading effect and adhesion effect of water molecules on the coal surface changed by the addition of sur-factant.The initial and ultimate desorption amount of gas in coal has a good negative exponential relationship with the mass fraction of the solution,which reflects the significant weakening effect of surfactant solution on the desorption ability of gas in coal.It is ana-lyzed that this is mainly related to the wetting enhancement effect of the solution on the coal,the capillary resistance effect of the solution on the coal microporous fissures,and the expansion and compression effect of the coal adsorption of water on the pores.
中煤科工集团沈阳研究院有限公司,辽宁 抚顺 113122||煤矿灾害防控全国重点实验室,辽宁 抚顺 113122
surfactantcoal seam water injectiongas disasterwettabilitysurface tensioncontact anglegas desorption
《煤矿安全》 2025 (2)