Study on compound optimization and performance of pulverized coal wetting suspension agent
为有效解决湿式钻孔作业由于煤粉与水结合形成煤泥导致塌孔、夹钻、卡钻、水路阻塞、排气通道堵塞等问题,利用煤粉静置沉降实验、接触角实验以及表面张力测试实验等方法,对 3种分散剂进行优选并与无机盐助剂进行复配,最终确定各试剂的最佳质量分数.结果表明:煤粉润湿悬浮剂复合溶液的最佳配比为 0.6%FSJ-01+0.8%NaCl;3 种分散剂的润湿悬浮分散效果排序为FSJ-01>FSJ-02>FSJ-03;FSJ-01 在质量分数为0.6%时接触角达到最小,为31.2°,较清水在煤粉表面的接触角减小了 61.72%,加入质量分数为 0.8%的NaCl后,复合溶液表面张力达到最小,为 26.3 mN/m,此时较清水的表面张力降低了 64.75%,较单一分散剂溶液降低了 36.17%.
In order to effectively solve the problems of hole collapse,clamping,sticking,waterway blockage and exhaust channel blockage caused by the combination of coal powder and water to form slime in wet drilling operation,three dispersants were optim-ized and compounded with inorganic salt additives by using the methods of static sedimentation experiment,contact angle experi-ment and surface tension test experiment of coal powder,and the optimum mass fraction of each reagent was finally determined.The results showed that the optimum ratio of the composite solution was 0.6% FSJ-01+0.8% NaCl;the wetting suspension dispersion effect of the three dispersants was ranked as FSJ-01>FSJ-02>FSJ-03.When the mass fraction of FSJ-01 was 0.6%,the contact angle reached a minimum of 31.2 °,which was 61.72% lower than that of water on the surface of pulverized coal.After adding NaCl with a mass fraction of 0.8%,the surface tension of the composite solution reached a minimum of 26.3 mN/m,which was 64.75% lower than that of water and 36.17% lower than that of a single dispersant solution.
山西潞安环保能源开发股份有限公司 漳村煤矿,山西 长治 046000太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院,山西 太原 030024太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院,山西 太原 030024太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院,山西 太原 030024太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院,山西 太原 030024太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院,山西 太原 030024
wet-type drilling operationpulverized coal wettingdispersantwettabilitysuspensibility
《煤矿安全》 2025 (2)